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What it is like to hear Angels sing

Thursday, July 19, 2012   at  2:37 PM
Music is something which helps us all in creation because it is a form of self expression and a way to become ever more creative, that is, if you have the right form of music and lyrics. Angels sing because they can and because it gives praise to the Creator. They sing because they are happy and also because it helps to assist creation with obtaining vital energies that are divine in nature. Singing comes from the heart but combined with music it penetrates the soul and makes the soul sing in rejoice and become balanced.

Angels are an expression of energy vibrations and therefore they need to function and express themselves and exist in the same manner. When they are singing their voices are heard at such a high level of vibration that to the human ear it is undetectable but at the same time energy vibrations are created which vibrate out into creation to harmonise other beings and positive energy. Angels sing a lot but I'm not sure how often they do so.

There are many reasons why Angels sing but I am only aware of these main ones mentioned here. Sometimes they will sing just for one individual human being on Earth because that person has connected back with the Creator and that makes Angels very, very happy indeed. Their singing in that instant makes them rejoice and it helps unite them to us as brethen, and vice versa. Angels often specifically target an individual human with their singing and music to make that person become more aware of not only their presence but to help raise that person's energy frequencies. This choice of action is not always the best thing because it can backfire sometimes, and people who hear Angelic music can sometimes go insane - it depends upon how much light of the Creator that individual has within themselves. If there is no light within someone, no light that is being expressed anyway, then that person can become even more negatively minded because that person subconsciously does not know how to handle the music or energy. It basically sends them crazy then insane. So Angels pick and choose human beings that they know, generally, will be uplifted by their singing which in turn helps to harmonise creation even more.

When you hear an Angel sing it is like Heaven literally opening up before you. In your mind you can see Angels singing, to a lesser or larger degree which entirely depends upon the purpose of why the Angels chose you in the first place, and you can also see Heaven to a degree. Their singing and music that you can hear makes you feel like you could easily go there and be even welcomed inside. You instantly feel the connection to the Angels singing that has been placed upon you, and you feel but not at a conscious level, the energy created from their singing. You feel like you have just been blessed by the Angels because they allowed you to hear them and listen in on a part of their culture. You feel at one with creation at that moment but it doesn't last very long to have a permanent affect on you.

A few years back I heard the most beautiful music ever. It was something I still have trouble describing today and this is my patheitic attempt at doing just that. I knew exactly it was Angels singing and playing music. I was at home and the music and singing I heard came from a location high above me. I knew the exact location where the music and singing was coming from which is the weird part to all of this. It was a sound that is indescribable but it is music and you can tell it is music, not noise. The voices one hears is quite distinct too because it is like listening to someone sing from a distance whereby you cannot quite make out their gender or what the words are that they are singing. It is a soft, gentle but concentrated singing and music. The music is something like a cross between gospel, classical and pop with a bit of new age thrown in for good measure. Soothing, calming lyrics - to calm even the most savage of creatures or beings. Its a once in a life time experience of hearing this but not everyone will hear them sing. And when it is heard it is crystal clear and perfectly audible despite it being somewhat muffled.

The music one hears is the most beautiful music anyone will ever hear. After hearing Angelic music and singing you will never enjoy human music as you did before. There is something about their music and singing that makes human music seem like a pathetic attempt at making sounds that are not natural. Human music will, afterward, sound unpleasant and disturbing - even if it is classical music like Beethoven's. It is strange but the music of Beethoven and Chopin somewhat resembles Angelic music to a degree and I now believe that their music was born because they themselves heard Angels singing and they tried to reproduce the music that they heard.

Angels have musical instruments but I'm uncertain as to what those instruments are. Their music and singing are harmonious to the extreme, and not a single note or chord is out of tune or sync. It is the most perfect and harmonious music someone like you and I will ever hear. You will never find anything like it anywhere on Earth because only Angels themselves can recreate the exact tones and chords created to create the music in the first place. Their music cannot be duplicated by us humans nor any other being in creation except for the Creator himself.

I am uncertain if their music and singing could be recorded on a cassette tape but it might be worth someone's effort to try and record their singing somehow. But considering no-one knows exactly when Angels sing it is a guessing game as to if one is even able to record their music and singing or not.


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