Abducted by ETs:   What comes next then?

Secrets of the Angels PART 2

Thursday, July 19, 2012   at  4:01 PM
In Part 1 I explained what the various coloured energy some Beings have in creation, as well as explained that Angels rarely show themselves to us humans. Angel sightings are on the increase but it is more of a learning experience for us than a means of communication. In time we will know everything, but time is also our enemy because we have a habit of wasting it on Earth throughout the course of our lives.

In discussing the energy colour of Angels previously, I now will continue to discuss the possibilities of what Angels may just be up to on Earth. Throughout our history we have known Angels to be messengers as well as protectors to our species. They come from Heaven where they communicate and get orders from God or Jesus. They carry these orders out down here on Earth. These orders can be as varied as the Angels themselves but I won't go into those details as I just don't know enough about that aspect yet.

However, when Angels are amongst us, they often respond to our prayers via the direct order of Jesus or God. They carry out these responses in a way to baffle us humans. Their reactions are baffling to us not because they are trying to confuse us but rather to make us learn and to get us to think for ourselves. Everything Angels do is always to make us think and respond in a way that helps us evolve. They have fine tuned this method and they know how to achieve what they are asked to do with us. Guardian Angels know us better, individually, than we know ourselves. They know what we are capable of doing, not only as a divine being but as a mortal human individual as well. They know when we feel sad, when we feel alone, when we are angry, and they do everything in their power to help us that is within the divine law. These Angelic beings that are sent to us from God or Jesus deserve our respect and friendship and trust. They truly give of themselves out of their love for us.

But what are Angels really trying to tell us mortal humans? Not once have I heard an Angel speak to me about Jesus or God. Are they then demonic because they don't speak about Jesus or God? I do not believe so. I believe that Angels are trying to tell us something specific, something that is spiritual in nature, and something that involves our spiritual evolution back toward God. But what exactly they are trying to tell us I am uncertain. I do know that Angels are forbidden to come out and tell us exactly what they are trying to tell us. As they are forbidden to tell us the truth or knowledge we hunger to know, instead they lead us in what appears to us humans as wild goose chases. We try to figure out what Angels are telling or showing us, only to be lead down a path of disillusionment by our own consciousness. We can't seem to get anything right with Angels. There always seems to be something blocking our path to true understandings of nature and the invisible realms. This blockage is not our own consciousness, nor is it our own ego. It is not our lack of knowledge either. However, it is how we are seeing our reality, and it is how we are listening to Angels that prevents us from moving forward.

Many a times I have tried seeing what Angels are showing me and I gain nothing from it except frustration and unanswered questions. But last year changed all manner of Angelic activity that was happening to me. Clue after clue has been given to me and at last I have been beginning to understand how Angels think, work, influence us, and the things that they do with us humans. It appears Jesus or God has literally opened up before me and is revealing His/Their reality to me.

Going back to this post's content, Angels seem to be operating at a level that totally influences humanity, even myself. Humans are driven by greed and hunger for knowledge that no human can supply. Human satisfaction for its mere existence is not rewarded by any action a human takes anymore. I bet even people who go to church are not satisfied by their connection to Heaven, or the lack of one. Our whole world has turned and now we need to turn with it to catch up.

Let's look at this from a different perspective - through the eyes of an actual Angel. The Angel is on an assignment to complete a task. This assignment involves giving proof to a human (Shirley Hardy) that all Angels are real. Now, knowing that seeing an Angel is not proof enough, nor touching a human doesn't prove anything either to a human, the Angel would have to think what would be considered proof without showing myself to that human? The Angel decides to do the possible that a human considers impossible. The Angel makes a profound connection and allows me to see what it sees and knows. The Angel appears in a form that I know and am familiar with, a circular golden yellow light. The Angel not only baffles me with it's communication but makes me believe this is how they communicate to humans.


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