Abducted by ETs:   What comes next then?

Secrets of the Angels PART 1

Thursday, July 19, 2012   at  3:59 PM
All my life I have encountered Angels and they usually never show themselves to me despite knowing that they are there, and that they know that I know I can see them at times. I always knew what I was encountering "Angels" and they often spoke to me and I to them. I often saw Angels as bright yellow lights, and now I have learnt when my guardian Angel is in the room or if he is leaving the room. I always know when an Angel is about and what colour energy they emit around me/in my direction. It is always the same colour: a golden yellow colour that appears to be glowing from within with light that is also of the same colour. To verify this as true - to myself not others - I once saw the Angel called Gabriel walk down my hallway with 2 other Angels, and they were fully materialized. They were not aware that I could see them though. Gabriel was the main Angel that I saw as he was in front of the other two Angels. I instantly knew it was Gabriel that I was seeing and I don't know how I knew that either. He was talking to the Angel behind him and to his left. Gabriel's head was turned toward this other Angel, as they walked toward my bedroom door. In reality I only saw 1 and a half Angels fully materialized: Gabriel and the Angel he was speaking to. The third Angel I did not see but I knew he was there.

I saw Gabriel from the top of his head to about his ankles. I did not see his feet even though I looked. He was very fine looking, very attractive but at the same time I could not quite make out if he looked like a man or a woman. Looking at Gabriel's face as he turned his head around just a microsecond before they vanished from my sight, Gabriel's face reminded me of neither gender to look at but at the same time both male and female features thrown in together in one body's physical appearance.

What else I saw literally stunned me. I saw a golden yellow coloured air that seemed to surround these Angels. This stunned me because I have never seen "air" before. Air is invisible as it has no colour to it, but this day I literally saw "air". As strange as that sounds try to imagine it nonetheless. Everything I saw in these Angels' direction was a golden yellow colour. Their clothing were that colour, their skin was that colour, their hair was that colour, even the whites of Gabriel's eyes were that colour. Gabriel looked like he was glowing a golden yellow colour. This next bit is difficult for me to put into words. When I looked at Gabriel and noticed he seemed to be glowing, it wasn't like a normal glow how we experience here on Earth. It was more like an inner glow, and this inner glow seemed to be the cause of the air around Gabriel being lit up. The inner glow was nothing like an inner glow in reality. It was more like when you are pregnant (for a female human on Earth) and the mother-to-be glows. Her skin glows (not literally though) and she looks radiant. You can't explain what causes her to look radiant except in the knowing that she is happy and she is pregnant. Gabriel's inner glow is very similiar to a pregnant human female's glow and radiance, with the exception of Gabriel not being pregnant. With Gabriel, however, his glow was in the form of a golden yellow coloured light or energy. It made everything visible around him but had a visible range of about 5-6 feet, where the air ceased to glow that golden yellow colour and returned to normal blackness again. Yes, this happened of a night time! To my surprise Gabriel wanted to pass a message on to me from God, that I write a book about Angels and demons. To cut a long story short I couldn't write the book as I didn't have enough information to write about them. The book suggestion was eventually passed onto someone else, with no emotions being attached to my inability to write the book.

You see, this has just been one example of my encounters with Angels. There have been so many over the years that I've lost track of them all.

Imagine if you will, that Angels are real creatures that come directly from the presence of Jesus or God. I'm not entirely sure whom they reside with so I just said both. In every single encounter I have had with Angels they always have the same coloured energy - a golden yellow colour. There are many people out there in our world who say they channel or speak to Angels and Archangels, and they also say their energy (or light) is a white colour. Yeah, right! I know the difference between a spirit, demon, Angel, and extraterrestrial, and each one of them has a different energy colour. Angels have a golden yellow coloured energy but depending upon what they are doing can also take on a white energy colour as well as their golden yellow colour. It is a noticable energy of two colours combining with each other : Golden yellow and pure white. Spirits have a pure white coloured energy. Demons have a dark red coloured energy. And extraterrestrials have a combination of energy colour - but only two colours that they can vary their energy to and from. Those two colours are pure white to their own unique colour. The pure white colour simply denotes that they have a spirit like we do. The ones around me have a beautiful medium fluroescent blue coloured energy. Each extraterrestrial species has their own unique colour, which also has white energy to it, and that entirely depenmds upon what they are doing at the time to denote which colour their energy will be.

However, demons can change their energy colour to appear more Angelic or that of a spirit. It is a trick they do to hide their true form. When demons change to appear more like an Angel, their energy colour changes too. It takes on a similiar colour to a golden yellow -but demons have not perfected this yet. Demons cannot make their energy change to identically match the golden yellow energy of an Angel. What their energy does change to looks more like a lighter and duller yellow colour and it does not glow. They can also make their energy turn pure white, like a spirit's. I've personally witnessed these energy changes in the above mentioned beings, so I know what I am talking about. I also know that Angels generally do not influence humanity verbally, nor do they teach us en masse via channelings, telepathy or via any other method. These people who claim they are communicating to Angels who have white energy, I can tell you they are not speaking to Angels. Angels do not have the time, nor desire, to communicate to us humans in order to teach us things. That is not their way, and it is not in them to fastward our learning experience here on Earth. In fact, that would be breaking a divine law of non-interference. If they did do such things it would be done in a more profound way, leaving the human stunned by what he/she was seeing the Angel do.

Of all the videos of Angelic sightings I have yet to see one that I can say is a true sighting. Going on my own sightings of Angels I have concluded that Angels cannot be video taped or photographed, due to their much higher energy frequency levels.

This brings me to another topic: How do they make themselves invisible to us humans? If an Angel can influence a human by suggestion, then they must somehow also influence us (perhaps also by suggestion?) for us to not see them. Angels appear to be doing this all the time. They must spend a great deal of mental energy just to make themselves invisible to us humans because we rarely see them. Ocassionally we can catch them off guard and we can partially or fully see them. I have seen my guardian Angel outside my Flat when I was returning from the shops one night. I turned the corner and as I just got passed the neighbour's fence, and my front door was in visual range, I saw this brilliant golden yellowish white light out the front of my Flat. I was so surprised at what I saw I almost stopped walking. I had caught the Angel off guard, and the moment the Angel realized I was looking at him the light vanished. The Angel obviously was looking in the opposite direction to me at the time when I caught sight of his energy. That Angel must have easily stood 9 feet tall and was wider than your average well, formed body builder human male. I saw enough of his energy to determine a rough height and size to this Angel, although I could not make out any clear features of the Angel. I knew it was my guardian Angel though, as he is normally keeping guard outside my Flat when he is not inside or returns home after I fall asleep each night.

Why Angels don't want us to see them may well be out of our own sanity's sake than anything else. Imagine seeing Angels around us all the time, Beings that glow a golden yellow colour and that stand anywhere from 6 feet to 22 feet tall. I am just over 5 feet tall, and seeing anyone a foot or two taller than me is quite intimidating for me. Are we humans so intimidated by someone's height that Angels have to hide themselves just so we don't freak out? Or do they hide from us because we need to slowly get used to seeing them again? Remember, around 2,000 years ago it was common to see Angels walk amongst us even before then actually. Now sightings of Angels are rare but they do seem to be on the increase. Only time, experience and knowledge can answer these questions.


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