Abducted by ETs:   What comes next then?

Psychic Readings Revealed - free ebook chapters

Friday, January 6, 2012   at  8:49 AM 0 comments
If I ever finish it:

My first ebook titled "PSYCHIC READINGS REVEALED: THE TRADE SECRETS OF A PSYCHIC EXPOSED" is a book all about being psychic and how to do psychic readings. But I also discuss how to do other types of readings, like Past Life readings, Health Readings, and Earth Geographical Clairvoyant Readings. As this book is being written I already plan on writing a second book or perhaps add another chapter, on how to do Angelic Readings - as I call it - which is basically

1. How to do a reading on an Angel so you know what that Angel exactly is like, and
2. How to tune into an Angel to do more accurate psychic readings.

Angelic readings are what I would call an advanced psychic ability, and probably not everyone can actually tune into Angels like I can. But once I write it up it should be easy for anyone to follow my techniques and achieve the same results as me. Angelic Readings are one of the most rewarding things anyone could possibly achieve because it brings you so close to Angels that you actually feel like an Angelic Being, and you begin to think as they do "up there", literally. It is something to look forward to anyway.

I used to do a lot of psychic readings when I was younger but now I don't do them anymore. I decided to write down my methods for doing psychic readings and let other people share my knowledge of the psychic realm. The book discusses exactly how anyone can do psychic readings and it reveals the exact techniques involved. It is very graphic in detail and is basically a step-by-step manual. It also exposes psychics to be either genuine or frauds going on the actual information revealed in a reading.

The techniques I describe in the eBook can also be used for contacting or spying on extraterrestrials to see what they are up to, and exactly where they are. It can also be used for discovering more about extraterrestrial encounters that you may have had in the past but it also can be used for discovering anything you desire to know about someone else or yourself, in the present, future or even the past.

Table of Contents of the complete book when finished:

Chapter I: Psychic Energy
Chapter II: Warnings Concerning Psychically Received Information
Chapter III: Getting Focused
Chapter IV: Avoid Judgements At All Costs
Chapter V: Receiving Initial Information
Chapter VI: Feelings Revealed in Psychic readings
Chapter VII: Thoughts in Psychic Readings
Chapter VIII: The Importance of asking Questions
Chapter IX: Becoming Stuck/Going around in circles
Chapter X: Taking it deeper
Chapter XI: Putting it all on hold
Chapter XII: Intuition
Chapter XIII: The timing of events
Chapter XIV: Things to ignore in psychic readings
Chapter XV: Earth's Aura Imprint readings
Chapter XVI: Notes about the above chapters
Chapter XVII: The importance of being psychic when you are spiritual
Chapter XVIII: Some things you should never do as a psychic
Chapter XIX: Trouble shooting - help and tips
Chapter XX: How to do a psychic reading: Putting it all together
Chapter XXI: Psychic/Clairvoyant Health readings
Chapter XXII: Past Life readings
Chapter XXIII: Doing psychic readings for yourself
Chapter XXIV: Seeing into the future
Chapter XXV: Earth's Geographical Clairvoyant readings
Chapter XXVI: The soul/spirit within you is divine
Chapter XXVII: Finding missing memories
Chapter XXVIII: Contacting Extraterrestrials or other beings
Chapter XXIX: Spying on Extraterrestrials, etc
Chapter XXX: Demonic beings and how you can influence them
Chapter XXXI: Exposing the psychic frauds and scammers About the author

This is a book you don't want to miss reading and will only be available on this site and it will be free to download once finished. The link below is to the first draft for the first twelve chapters of my book. The book is in the process of being written up but I am having a lot of trouble actually writing it up. A lot more information will be added to the first 12 chapters, eventually, but this will give you a taste of what my book is all about. I have also included the title page, the Introduction page, and the Table of Contents page in the below link (pdf). Any feedback you can give me to help make this a better book will greatly be appreciated.

Psychic Readings Revealed - Chapters 1-12 First Draft

What ETs have told me about Mercury

Monday, January 2, 2012   at  7:00 AM 0 comments
In my 1990 UFO encounter I was informed that extraterrestrials actually live on Mercury and had the chance to meet one. They are apparently able to do so because of a thicker than normal aetheric (< --- not entirely sure how to spell this word) covering of the planet.

Strangely, the inhabitants of Mercury are all human. These humans of Mercury are very timid in nature and generally are underestimated by other races. They feel inferior and unworthy of contact with other human races throughout the solar system but are shy and look away from you when looked at. They are a bit on the stocky side with wide shoulders and they dress in really casual clothes.

What ETs have told me about Jupiter

Sunday, January 1, 2012   at  11:51 AM 1 comment
This page will be added to when I can find the right words to add the rest of the content to it.

Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system, is uninhabited. Extraterrestrials have told me that only some of the moons of Jupiter are inhabited but not Jupiter itself. Apparently Jupiter is incapable of sustaining any form of life, whether microbial or intelligent multicellular lifeform. However, in this unique system Jupiter is the very essence of life itself, which has some sort of link in stabilising the environments of it's moons which contain life. I am told that the magnetic field of Jupiter is primarily the reason why life is sustainable on some of it's moons.

The moons that I've been told that contain life, intelligent or otherwise, are Io, Ganymede, and Callisto. There are a few others in this Jovian system that have life on them but I was not told the moons' names.


Io is the main moon that most Beings live on in this system. It exists as the most central point in their civilisation. Io, in reality, in nothing like what NASA shows us images of. Io is an industrial and technological world, that contains cities and country areas that contain trees, water, etc. Io is where everybody works, mostly. Io is mostly inhabited by Beings of the human form, although non-human species live or visit the moon too.


Ganymede is a lush green moon with forests of trees, plants, birds and other animal life forms. Like Io it also has vast amounts of water on it but probably moreso than Io does. For those Beings in the Jovian system, Ganymede is more of a recreational moon, where people spend their holidays or time off. Ganymede is also inhabited by humans.


Callisto was once inhabited by humans for a very long time until a reptilian species came along and took over the moon. Now no humans live on Callisto, only reptilians. The extraterrestrial reptilian species, which was not told to me of who they are, have made peace with the human population of the Jovian system, although the moon is mostly avoided as a place to visit.

The moons as a whole:
Until Jamuary 1994 (Earth time) those moons which were inhabited were all suddenly evacuated. A major catastrophy was coming Jupiter's way, a catastrophy that has since made Jupiter's moons unihabitable for their inhabitants.
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