Abducted by ETs:   What comes next then?

My life is always so busy

Wednesday, April 21, 2010   at  3:54 AM 0 comments
Trying to write a blog post every few days is really hard. I homeschool my daughter as well as make video tutorials for a website owner in my spare time. I walk 2kms to the shops to buy food and walk another 2kms home again - as I don't own a car. But it is good exercise only if it is not raining. Some days I get drenched by the rain before I even get to the shops but that is not a problem lately.

Lately my problem is my left arm. I should get it checked out but if I need to get an ultrasound done on it then "the staff" tell you at the hospital that we need the money upfront or no ultrasound can be done on you. Yeah, right. This is a hospital that has minimal staff, no resident doctor, and refuse to let you keep your own xrays. Even if I had the money the specialist would probably tell me that I need to have surgery done on my arm to fix the problem. Yeah, like I am capable of travelling all the way to Lismore or Armidale to have surgery. I don't have that kind of money to travel, even with 1/2 price bus tickets.

Tenterfield is the worse place to live in I reckon. There is no regular dentist, only one dentist who comes from Armidale once a month on a Tuesday. And guess what I get a lot of? Toothaches! The GP's here are not the best either. Just don't get sick as you'll probably end up dead from whatever you've got.The towns' tap water makes you sick, in some parts of town the tap water cannot even be drunk as its that disgusting. I personally collect rainwater from the gutter of this Flat I live in. I don't mind the odd bug in the water but I always filter the water (with a sieve) before I drink it.

But enough whinging about this town.... I will eventually write another blog post soon. I just need some free time to write something up. It is just hard to do that with so many other things I need to do every day, being a single parent and all.

Hope to post a proper blog post soon.

The World Of Empaths

Thursday, April 8, 2010   at  12:41 AM 0 comments
Thinking back to 1994 to the day when I crossed physically to a higher dimension brings back a lot of memories. Memories that still swirl in my mind and bring me so much joy but at the same time so much sadness because I know there is no way I can go back to that other dimension, at least not without divine intervention.

The higher dimension which overlaps our own solar system is a place, for me, of great mystery as I still have so many questions that have not been answered about their world. But in this post I will attempt to add specific detail to what the minds of empaths are like and what they experience on a daily basis in general. This is basically additional information that I have discovered/experienced which I have not written about until today.

When an empath tunes into the Earth it is pretty much like us humans breathing. That is to say their ability to feel and know what we are feeling and thinking is as natural to them as us on Earth breathing. It is an automatic function. The empaths do not exactly tune into the Earth or anyone on it as such because where they exist they can “feel” everything around them as clearly as the consciousness of God himself in their own skulls. It is like they feel everything at once but over time, and through their own specific teachings have learnt to master what they can filter out whenever they choose to do so.

When an empath has tuned in on a human they feel “everything” you feel. If you are sad, they will feel sad. If you are angry, they will feel angry but may decide to block that emotion out. Empaths can feel and sense everything about an individual from your most surface feelings of your consciousness to the deeper levels of your subconsciousness, as well as the feelings and thoughts you have that you are probably not consciously aware of that exist at a much deep level within you. Basically when an empath has tuned into you He/She knows you better than you know yourself.

When they are tuned into the Earth they feel very sad. They call Earth “The Planet of Sorrows” as well as “The planet of darkness”. An empath on that other world once told me “They do not understand why there needs to be so much pointless suffering on Earth.” (They do not like the feeling of physical and emotional suffering as it makes them very sad and depressed.) Indeed that is true but here on Earth we don’t know how to stop the suffering and be more like them. However I have a few tricks up my sleeve that might change that but it will take some time to master these techniques which I have learnt. These techniques will be written at a later time and only if someone is interested in it.

The empaths from this other world are, as what we would call it here on Earth, Immortal Beings. They are capable of transforming their physical bodies into any shape or form they choose. They can create any form they choose with their mind, and they also can change gender from a male to a female or from a female to a male. This is entirely a personal choice for each individual as to which gender they wish to be.

The one thing which fascinated me the most about these empaths is their ability to heal their own bodies. I was told that a newcomer to their world needs to be taught how to control many things including their own body. Someone who is injured can automatically heal themselves by will power and thought alone. This topic barely got started on when the topic was suddenly changed, or my focus was changed by the other beings.

This particular empath world is a very special place in creation. On this planet there are multiple species of extraterrestrials who have evolved to that level of spiritual development (for a lack of better words). These different species of aliens all originated from different places in creation but in the process of evolving they, the ones who successfully mastered physically evolving to higher realms, all ended up in this one location on this other planet/solar system. Their entire civilization is based on a multiple alien species coming together as one unified family. The majority of these empath beings look just like Earth humans do although they look more attractive and physically leaner than Earth humans. On average they are between 5 foot 6inches and 5 foot 10 inches tall, with no facial hair and have dark head hair.

More will be added in due time.

The Data Collection Center is being scrapped!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010   at  12:55 AM 0 comments
A great deal of my time has been spent trying to get the Data Collection Center onto other people's websites but to no avail. As a few people have pointed out to me they are unsure of what I am asking help with. It is perhaps the last thing I want to hear (hey, at least I'm honest) that people are confused and don't understand what I'm saying. But at least I know the truth, that often I just don't make sense.

Maybe when all of this is over I might learn something - not to rush into things foolheartedly. I really don't see why the Orange-skinned Gray extraterrestrials chose me to release the Data Collection Center to the world but I believe they chose the wrong person to do this huge task. The thing I've discovered is I am incapable of setting up a Wikipedia to contain all the information. My computer simply won't open the Wikipedia download file no matter what I try.

My brother made a perfectly good point the other day in saying that if the Data Collection Center is supposed to be on the Internet then it would've happened already. Since starting on this alien project I've come across more obstacles than I can count. Every time I do something, whether it is adding the Data Collection Center in document form somewhere, or trying to make a video for it, something always happens that prevents anything positive coming from my actions.

I said to my brother yesterday that I'm seriously considering pulling the plug on the Data Collection Center. I really don't think it would make that much of a difference to anything here on Earth. I don't think that people would even really miss it trying to be advertised, etc. Not that I am in any of this for money, I'm not. I'm just trying to spread the word about it. What other people do with the Data Collection Center in document form is none of my concern.

So here I am questioning what madness these orange-skinned Gray extraterrestrials endured me with. It is neither a blessing nor a gift. To me, it is just a waste of my time getting involved with the DCC. Nothing I ever do goes according to plan anyway.....that's just the way my life is. I can't change that despite how many times I have tried to change it.

If I should see the Orange-skinned Gray extraterrestrials again they certainly will be informed of my decision to scrap the DCC because of the many hassles, stress, and everyone showing no interest in it, and for the fact I apparently write in a manner that confuses people. They certainly will return, as they did last time (February 2010), and there will be a lot to explain.

However, what annoys me the most is the last time I was indecisive about furthering with the DCC I requested, and sent out telepathic messages requesting proof or something to prove that these aliens actually gave me the DCC, and any other information I can use to strenghten the need for the DCC to be on the Internet. I am still waiting and I doubt after all this time that I will get the prrof that I seek. This makes me completely mad because its the least that they could do to provide me with substantial evidence that something "out of this world" is involved with the DCC. BUT NOTHING!!!

So, from this point onwards I will not be wasting my time with the DCC project. I will not delete it from my blog in case someone is interested in it. I will still discuss the document but only where necessary. just thought you might like to know. 
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