Abducted by ETs:   What comes next then?

Research Lab - Homepage

  at  1:45 PM
This Research Lab section is something of an ongoing process that consists of many different sections which hosts a main Research Lab - Homepage. From the Research Lab - Homepage you can access information about each individual topic that I have added to the list. As time goes on more information will be added to each individual topic - on whichever section it falls under.

There are 6 main pages for each individual topic: Aliens, Angels, Demons, Other, Paranormal & Psychic Abilities. Each page is separate from the next one. At the bottom of each page are links which you can click on to go wherever you want within that section for that individual section. There is also a link that will take you back to this Research Lab - Homepage.

To find information about an individual topic you need to go to this Research Lab - Homepage and click on the "topic" you wish to read about. Then you can select a topic from the dropdown menu options found at the bottom of each page, including this page. The Research Lab is a working progress, meaning information added to this section will be added when it becomes available and when I have time to do so.

Aliens Research - Overview
The information provided for this topic will consist of detailed descriptions of particular events that seem to occur a lot to alien abductees. It will reveal the mystery of why we see aliens in the first place; why we are able to photograph ufos, etc; what causes Aliens to appear in the first place; and discusses why Aliens generally do not show themselves as tangible and solid objects as we humans; amongst other things.

Angels Research - Overview
In this section you will find some very fascinating discoveries about Angels that cannot be denied. The purpose of this section is to gather as many different insights into the way we perceive Angels and how they interact with us; how they appear to us physically whenever we encounter them on Earth; discover why Angels appear to be of different shapes and sizes and why they alter their appearance over time; and finally try to discover why Angels appear to humans, physically, in order to help us. There are facts and other people's encounters with Angels that I will break down and try to solve the mystery of why these encounters are happening in the first place; and to discover if Angels are actually real or not.

Demons Research - Overview
In the quest to discover if Demons exist or not I will endeavour to find answers for questions like: What causes demonic encounters in the first place; Are demons capable of shapeshifting; can demons actually hurt us; do demons influence humans in reality; and a lot more. An aspect of demons need to be studied, in particular of how some aliens seem to possess the same trait as demons do - their ability to make us humans terrified of them. I will discuss that same trait in both this demons research section and the Aliens Research section.

Other Research - Overview
In this section an array of off topic subjects will be discussed, like for example Visions, Premonition dreams, sleep disorders that relate to all the other topics, and a whole lot more. The purpose of this section is to discover if the human mind, whether at a conscious or subconscious level, is partially or fully responsible for many of the strange things that happen to us that we normally cannot explain. This will give us an idea of whether something else is happening to humans that is creating some sort of illusion or hallucination (or something else) that can explain why alien abductions, sightings and encounters of Aliens, Angels, Demons, and Paranormal experiences are happening in the first place to us. It is something all humans should research.

Paranormal Research - Overview
Introducing this section into the equation brings about a whole new way of looking at ourselves. With each individual experience in the Paranormal we can now observe if "they" use any kind of (for a lack of better words) supernatural powers against us or if "they" don't exist at all, and we humans are the culprits for this type of activity. Researching my own paranormal encounters might shed some light onto what might be really happening, perhaps at a subconscious level within us.

Psychic Abilities Research - Overview
The experiences of Psychic Abilities when encountering Aliens, Angels, etc will be discussed in this section. It will help us to understand whether humans are naturally psychic or whether some other force is at play here. It is important to know if these things, along with everything combined in the previous sections, will tell us something about our true nature as human beings or whether humans who have psychic abilities are just delusional.

We live in a world surrounded by mysteries that we simply cannot seem to explain. The research I will be doing, in particular, is based solely mostly, on my own experiences with each specific topic. I will attempt to unravel the mysteries behind each topic of why they happen, and if they have a specific meaning. With the knowledge of these topics and why they are happening to us we may just learn something about ourselves along the way.

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