Abducted by ETs:   What comes next then?

Urgent updated alien message 22 February 2010

Saturday, February 27, 2010   at  2:55 AM
I've finally had the chance to add my newest video to my blog. I'm trying to display it everywhere so it reaches more people. The message I received from the Orange-skinned Gray, which I have attempted to express in the video is not really urgent enough. It was really difficult to put the message into words as it left me feeling overwhelmed by the urgency of the Data Collection Center being out there.

I continue to feel long after I received the message that time is running out for us humans to learn about extraterrestrials. I have trouble putting my thoughts into words lately. I feel the urgency like a burning flame inside me which is about to go out. I can sense aliens closing in on planet Earth in vaster numbers than happening now. If only I could put the images in my head into words or video format - that would help immensely.

Something big is going to happen in 2012. I'm not one to fall for believing in prophecies, generally, but I just know deep down inside me that something is going to happen that year. It will affect everyone on Earth.

When I receive messages from aliens they are usually accompanied by images, some of which can last for days or weeks. But in this instance the images are actually getting stronger and more vivid by each passing day. I can almost hear what all the aliens are saying up there in space. I think I just need to focus more on listening so I can then find out what will happen in 2012 - if that is possible.

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