Abducted by ETs:   What comes next then?


Thursday, February 25, 2010   at  7:12 PM
I know you may have probably asked this question about me already but it is one that I need to discuss. This has always been a problem for me in coping with all the extraterrestrial contacts I have experienced – no real evidence to back up my claim. Well, the times have to change! I cannot continue working with any alien species (or continue to believe that these “experiences” are real) without any proof that “they” exist. If “they” expect me to just take “them” for “their” word then I cannot do that anymore. In the days and years to come humans will require and demand the proof that aliens exist, and will not listen to anyone without their claim being verified by hard evidence. Sometimes I don’t even believe that I have been in contact with aliens due to the lack of hard evidence. Seeing a golden yellow light that could be mistaken for a UFO steadily fly by for a few minutes does not, in my opinion, count as evidence or proof that they exist. So, how can I prove to others that my experiences are real and not some form of hallucination?

Why would anyone in their right mind go out of their way to take the advice and suggestions of extraterrestrials then listen to “them” and fulfill the task which “they” set up for you to achieve without any proof that they exist? This question makes me wonder why I do the things I do. It’s not as if I am being paid to do this as I’m not. I am getting absolutely nothing out of working with (or am I working for them?) aliens.

What is being asked of me now is to release to the media some sort of human-made (by me) documentation about the Data Collection Center that needs to become a global, united project for everyone on Earth to use. I cannot do that because I do not have enough information to use about the reason why the Data Collection Center needs to exist in the first place on the Internet. What the Orange-skinned Grays are asking of me now is impossible to achieve. I do not have any evidence to substantiate the claim that any of the ideas and documents have come from an extraterrestrial source. How on Earth can I spread the word throughout the media without proof of their existence? No-one will take me seriously at all.

I have already put it to the Orange-skinned Grays that I need proof of their existence and that they were indeed the ones who gave me the Data Collection Center in the first place. I need proof and so does the world in order to believe me that I am speaking the truth. Without proof I cannot continue on this project or let my fellow human beings endure my truth any further.

Now it is just a waiting game. If the Orange-skinned Grays do not produce any evidence of their existence to me the whole project concerning the Data Collection Center will be scrapped and withdrawn from all Internet exposure it currently has. This, I believe, is only fair practice on my part. Without more information I simply cannot complete this task they have given me to do on Earth. I do hope that they understand the situation in which I am in and will supply me with the information and evidence I seek. If not then my beliefs about extraterrestrials will also change to a degree. I certainly will be less likely to trust aliens again and will not be lured in by their ramblings of what we humans need to know about or what is supposedly good for us.

However, when I think about this whole Data Collection Center thing I think perhaps it might be better to scrap it. A Wikipedia would be sufficient in its place. Even then the whole encyclopedia would be a simple waste of time without members adding to it. Writing up an entire Wikipedia by myself would be an impossible task as I would not have anything to go by as a source of reference and it would take me too long to achieve. Therefore having members would be a must in this instance. The idea is a good one nonetheless.

These are just my thoughts. Some are today’s thoughts and some are things that are always on my mind.
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