Abducted by ETs:   What comes next then?

I could have all the knowledge in creation in my head but would anyone care less either way?

Sunday, March 7, 2010   at  12:40 AM
Throughout my life I have always spoken my own truth and guess what? No-one really cares less about my truth. In fact I might as well not even be writing all these posts or be on any kind of website. If I removed myself from all the websites I am a member of no-one would even notice that I am gone. I am a nobody and apparently I have nothing of interest to say despite the fact I believe differently. That is just the truth.

People don’t show any interest in me or of what I know. Like for example the Data Collection Center document that aliens gave me. Only one or two people have seen the video I have made of it yet barely has anyone left a comment. How on Earth can one person rise above the 6.2 plus billion people on Earth and be heard when not even a small handful of people will take me seriously or listen to what I have to say? Anything I put on the Internet rarely gets commented on by others. The only comments I have had was when I was in a negative frame of mind and wrote negative posts. Does negativity turn our world and make people tick? Where is all the love and kindness or did it go extinct like the dinosaurs? It is really hard to maintain my cheerful and happy disposition all the time and sometimes I fall into a state of depression because the truth about how people react to me rises above me and hits me like a train again. There is absolutely nothing I can do to change others I can only change myself.

It is not a wonder as to why aliens of a negative nature are among us. You don’t need to be a genius to figure that one out. Like attracts like – it’s that simple!!!!

When you have a particular alien species watching over you every moment of your life as I do, well at least since 1994, you stop asking if we are alone in this universe and start asking why they don’t talk to you as often as we talk? You ask questions like why are they hanging around and why won’t they go away? But who am I to question what they are here to do, and quite frankly I do not care either as long as they leave me alone and don’t expect me to do anything on their behalf.

Below is a list of all the alien species I have encountered, not that anyone cares less:

1985: A higher dimension species. Species unknown. Female was plain brown looking, the two males were covered in spots and stripes of pretty colours. The species looked like Mr. Potatohead.
1985: A human looking alien that came from a vortex or wormhole. Very pleasant to be around.
1986: Male human looking alien from Io and Ganymede, two of Jupiter’s moons.
1986: Male human looking alien from Titan, one of Saturn’s moons.
1990: same two male aliens from 1986 encounter plus
A male, human looking alien from Mercury
1991: 2 humanoid males, looked like a cross between an ant and a beaver. Came from a long distance away from within our galaxy. Very pleasing to look at. Not scary.
1994 to present: many males, human looking aliens. Emit blue energy (aura-like energy). They come from a solar system that, to the best of description, overlaps our own solar system but on a much higher frequency. Their planet is roughly where our moon is in space (but not the same place). Females are rare amongst their kind. These aliens are Immortal beings.
1996: a male alien, probably human looking – not entirely sure- was very stocky in size. Came from within our galaxy but a long, way away from Earth.
1997: Human looking males, origin unknown. They were invisible.
1997: unknown species of alien. My guess it was possibly the Grays from Zeta Reticuli, as I experienced 11 missing days and no memory of where I had been.
1999: Unknown males, human looking. Not the most pleasant aliens to encounter – they had a mean temper, and very telepathic in nature. They didn’t like being discovered they were aliens.
2000: The Grays from Zeta Reticuli. Have no memory of their encounter but had 3 days of missing time, and my daughter’s sudden terror/fear of large, black eyes.
2004: Unknown human looking species, one male. Obviously from a much higher frequency or dimension.
2009: Unknown Gray species, female. Not from same place as the bad Grays. Very helpful but easily hurt emotionally. Looked identical to the bad Grays but obviously not the same species or from the same place. Only wished to help me.
2009-2010: Unknown species of Grays, Orange-skinned with medium brown spots or patches of colour on their skin. Pleasant looking species of Gray. Not from around this part of our galaxy. Origin of the Data Collection Center document.

So, to date, that is 13 with one species which may have been from one of the existing 13 different alien species I have encountered personally in the last 25 years. The table has turned and instead of encountering human looking aliens it is the various species of Grays coming to me. Great, that’s all I need. NOT!!!

With all these encounters it would be nice if I knew exactly where all these aliens lived, and knew something about their species other than what they basically look like. I hate not knowing things, and being left with more questions than I have answers for. It is very frustrating for me. Above, in the list, the years which I have highlighted in “bold” are the species I believe are friendly and mean us no harm.

I’ve been telling my story about my alien encounters to lots of people over the years, and only one person in 25 years has ever wanted to know more. That just proves to me that people don’t want to really know what aliens are like, well, the ones I have encountered anyway. Have you ever wondered why people are so drawn to people who’ve had encounters with the Grays like Whitley Streiber has? I believe it is because people just like to be terrified and read about how we cope with that terror, if at all. Humans are sadistic, I reckon, because terror is not something we can cope with and people know that. We just experience it and that’s it. So, why bother reading or watching such terrifying stuff about what other people are going through? It doesn’t make sense to me. Sure, there’s always that “I might learn something from that other person’s experience” concept in the whole thing but really, what is there to learn? Learning how terrified you are going to be if you ever encounter Grays? It will teach you absolutely nothing.

I guess this blog has taken its toll on this author, writing all this stuff down. My blog contents is like going through parts of my life all over again for no obvious reason except for even more people to not be interested in what I write about. I don’t understand how other people think but I would like to know these things. I would like to know what other people think about UFOs and aliens but no-one is talking about it. Is this normal or is it just the way people want it to be like?

All I know is people make it hard for themselves because they do not open themselves up to possibilities of any of this being real. That is understandable because at times I even doubt that what I have experienced were real events. I sometimes even think that I just hallucinated it all, and it does not help matters when there is no real evidence that these experiences actually occurred. If I can’t believe it as the truth then how can others?
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