Abducted by ETs:   What comes next then?

You are what you think!

Saturday, February 27, 2010   at  2:35 AM
I have been doing a lot of hard thinking about all the extraterrestrial species that I am aware of and I’m trying to figure out what they are all here for. Oh we humans are in deep, deep trouble, and only we can save ourselves. From what I have recently learnt the Draconians eat us humans but especially love the young flesh of our children. That just sickens me, and makes me want to kill every Draconian in sight but there’s none around here that I’m aware of – thank God. This fact alone makes me appreciate the value and lives of every animal that we humans eat. I am a meat eater but will only eat meat if someone else kills the animal first. If I had to kill an animal to survive I would not be able to do it. I don’t have the heart to kill an animal. I do sound like a hypocrite I know. I guess it was the way I was raised (or should I say – I raised myself from a young age as although there were grown-ups around I had to feed myself and defend myself from a very young age.)

The Grays, the really bad ones, are still bad and are no better than the Draconians. They are like vampires in the sense they consume our blood and feed off of our negative energy. Apart from all the atrocities the Grays do it is us humans who are at a loss here. We humans have become the pray. We are no longer at the top of the food chain on this planet for the Draconians and the Grays have moved in and started consuming us.

We are becoming evermore defenseless against any negative being out there because we are not in control of our own selves. From the things that I have read in the last 12months I am becoming even more disturbed by what is happening on this planet. I am disturbed by all the extraterrestrials visiting our planet and living among us. I am disturbed by the ever increasing UFO sightings, the underwater bases, the weirdness of the planet itself, and now I am disturbed by the possibility that what I think are Angels and Archangels may be actually Gray alien hologram images or Grays aliens themselves. It is a possibility but I won’t rule that out until I investigate it further. What the hell is going on out there?

Having read the Gray’s agenda to a degree, or should I say what other people have written about it, (I haven’t found the actual document yet but hope to soon.) my blood is beginning to boil over with compassion (and somewhat hatred) for all life everywhere. I can’t help but think that we humans are being tricked into a lot of things by these two alien species, in particular.

It seems that there is a whole host of extraterrestrials guarding (the entrance?) our solar system from further infiltration of the Grays, Draconians and the Reptilians, and preventing them from coming to Earth. You only need to view NASA’s SOHO probe’s images to realize something is going on in space. The question is not who the good or the bad aliens are but who are we humans? Who the hell are we humans for aliens everywhere to want to either eat us or protect/join with us?

I cannot get passed the notion that we humans are Gods. Somewhere deep down inside of me is something telling me that this is the truth but I don’t feel it in me to be a God. Maybe I am missing something I don’t know. And possibly it is true that everything in creation is an illusion because the saying “You are what you think!” had to have come from somewhere. If it were not true then no-one would have thought of it.

There has to be some evidence to suggest who we really are. There has to be some proof that we are divine in nature. Maybe that proof is already right in front of us but we are overlooking it. Have you ever thought of something hard enough only for it to come true? This one thing may be the evidence we are overlooking! But how can it be evidence to prove that we are Gods? Okay, if everything in the universe is based on thoughts and consciousness then that proves that we humans are biologically a part of this universe. That is to say we were born here in this universe. If God himself does not exist and someone out there (an extraterrestrial or a species of them) came up with the notion that the thoughts and consciousness of this universe could be used against us to trick us into believing it is a God (“it” being thoughts and consciousness) to overpower us, then we are in deep trouble. The thing I cannot get my mind around is everywhere I have come across aliens, Angels, demons, etc none have mentioned anything about an entity claiming to be God. None have mentioned the name “Jesus” but all have been honored to be in my presence. Maybe there is no being known as “God” – whichever name you choose to call him by. Yet, there is a presence of something in the universe that does something that we would consider to be God-like. Perhaps this presence is just “energy” which happens to be consciously “alive” and has the ability to think, etc. Either way it does not matter. We have the ability to create what we think will happen which is a great thing but we must be exact with what we think will happen and what we believe in.

We humans need to consider where our thoughts are coming from and where they are headed. With all the alien activity going on all around us we need to arm ourselves against being psychically attacked, as well as physically, mentally and emotionally attacked and brainwashed by the negative/bad aliens. Without this measure of self preservation we are all doomed.

Love will conquer all!!
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