Abducted by ETs:   What comes next then?

Why extraterrestrials naturally speak telepathically yet us humans cannot.

Friday, February 12, 2010   at  3:34 PM
Humans beings are a species that has not yet evolved beyond its ego and own sense of self-awareness yet. We are still like animals in many ways with what goes on inside our brains. Literally billions of people are walking the Earth right now yet not one of them, probably with some exceptions, can understand the next person. This is where we as a species need to change, to evolve beyond what we are now, and telepathy can take us there.

If you have read my previous entries on this subject you would know that our race has the potential and unrealized ability to speak telepathically as individuals. Yet, extraterrestrials not only can and do speak telepathically but a lot of the different species can clearly connect with each others’ thoughts no matter where the other individuals are. As a whole they have a global consciousness that is also telepathic. Imagine for a moment that you wanted to find out how to ride a bicycle. All you would need to do is think about the question and within moments someone, somewhere on the planet would respond to you. Or you would get millions of replies and you would then have to send a thought out to everyone saying thanks or something for replying or something like that anyway. You’d then need to filter through all the responses to find the exact answer you were looking for. That would only take perhaps a minute or two to do.

Could you even imagine that sort of communication happening here on Earth? Personally I would find it exciting to be a part of a species that could speak telepathically to another person, and at the same time know exactly what other people are thinking, and know what other people know all at the same time. There would be no room for hearsay, gossip, lies, conspiracies, etc because all knowledge would be shared equally among every individual across the planet simultaneously.

The human species is not that far away from reaching a global telepathic consciousness. People only need to practice telepathy and experiment more with it, and try and contact other life forms. Only then will our species’ global consciousness begin to merge together – especially if we begin to contact each other telepathically.

Extraterrestrials can speak telepathically because they have evolved beyond what the human species is today. They have merged their consciousnesses to that of a global consciousness which also communicates telepathically. This form of connection with their own species brings about a huge amount of advantages that a species would not normally experience as a whole. Individuals can find all kinds of things out if they don’t know the answer, and can connect with anyone they know or even don’t know. This eliminates the need for such things as the Internet as you would never feel alone every again. It would also eliminate the feeling some of us humans get of not having a family. The entire human species would become our family because there would be this instant feeling of belonging and connectedness that each and every one of us would feel. It would also eliminate war, violence, negative reactions toward others and would give us a sense of peace. It would join our entire species as one rather than multiple species living in multiple countries.

Telepathy eliminates time and monotonous manual hard work, like making a telephone call, and it does not rely upon technology. This means that an entire civilization can be based around other more important things, like traveling through space, creating new or additional technology, and sharing their culture with other life forms in the universe. Getting recognized by another extraterrestrial species is probably one of the best advantages of being telepathic because it means that you bring a new sense of connection to your species, if this is a new species your species has not encountered before. Or one could contemplate the meaning of the universe and our existence and probably we would find those answers out.

Telepathy enriches a species and a civilization beyond words. It connects people to others without the need for language translators or having to learn a new language. Telepathy is what our species can evolve into for it was already within us in the first place. To not speak telepathically is to waste this gift or ability. Each and every one of us humans wants things to change for the better on Earth, so I challenge you to do your part and begin speaking telepathically. The more people do it the faster our species will evolve.
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