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Where can I get my blog transmitted into outer space?

Wednesday, March 17, 2010   at  9:00 AM
I came across a story posted on some one's blog somewhere the other day and they mentioned a website called http://www.bloginspace.com. It was a fascinating read but the point to it all was one's personal blog gets transmitted into outer space using a communication satellite. The same sort of communication satellite that also sends TV and radio signals into space.

Now, at first, I was a bit dubious about this website, after all every time I Googled the URL address all I ever received was a blank page with nothing on it, and I still keep getting the same thing today. Its annoying actually. Apparently the web server keeps shutting down or something. But what a heck of an idea it is to have one's blog sent into outer space.......to hopefully be read by aliens.

Should I ever catch the website actually online and working I'm signing up to get my blog sent into outer space. Maybe an alien might even comment on a post or something.....wishful thinking! It is a real trend apparently, as I've been researching the site a bit and what I've been reading on the Internet is hundreds of people are registering their blog to be sent into space each day, 500 people or more to be precise.

But my plan is to write posts that get responses from aliens personally. That's the plan anyway! Maybe the ramblings of a human might sound more appealing to an alien if one discusses aliens themselves, like why they won't show themselves when asked to, etc. Maybe they will even reply back, too. I do know that aliens are capable of searching our Internet whilst on board one of their spacecraft, so they should have no problem replying or commenting on a blog post, even it if were in outer space, if you think about it.

If you are interested in aliens and like the idea of having your blog sent into outer space then join the gang of bloggers who are getting their blogs sent into outer space. I hope to see you there!

It sounds like fun, and to be honest, more interesting to watch or read than most of the TV shows around. We bloggers are real people, not actors playing some fantasy role in front of a camera. We are bearing our souls to the world but we deserve more privileges than actors. We deserve to have our blogs "out there" in space because our lives (blog posts, etc) tell more about us individually as a human being than any TV programme, radio song or commercial on either put together.


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