Abducted by ETs:   What comes next then?

I now understand why the Extraterrestrial Data Collection Centers need to exist!

Monday, March 15, 2010   at  11:45 PM
For a long time I couldn’t figure out why the Data Collection Centers needs to exist, and why a Wikipedia was needed. I just figured out a piece of the puzzle, and its starting to make sense to me. The DCC’s contents exist in a certain sequence. Each page builds up more information about any particular alien species thus creating an overview of what they are like. Pictures and/or drawings are added to the appropriate sections giving people a visual confirmation of each species.

Each DCC on the Internet is then connected to a bigger storage website programme, my encyclopedia, and when each DCC is filled out and the final “SAVE” button is clicked on, firstly, the information is saved on that site. Afterward, a second option appears and asks if you wish to save this information onto the encyclopedia. By clicking on the “Yes” choice a “login” page to my encyclopedia appears. Each person who adds information to the DCC’s database on any website that hosts it then creates an account with my encyclopedia and finally the information is then saved to their account. They then click on “publish information” and an information bar or something appears that says “Waiting on administrator’s permission to publish” or something like that. The information is also saved to the DCC database as well.

The purpose of the Data Collection Centers is to have all the information added to an encyclopedia that is on another website with a simple click of a button. The reason for this is so the information gathered can then be collected, processed and stored in one location on the Internet for everyone to view.

I administrate the Wikipedia/encyclopedia because I am familiar with some aliens as well as the perfect candidate for examining each bit of information coming into the encyclopedia and thus removing duplicate information, images, drawings, videos, etc. That is the task assigned to me by the Orange-skinned Gray aliens as of the 22 February 2010.

With all the edited information cleaned up and processed, with each new piece of information authorized, the public can then view that information as a whole about any particular alien species they choose to view, or they can create an account and add to it straight into the Wikipedia itself.

The task assigned to me, however, is a mighty huge task. I have no experience in Wikipedias or how to build a website. My task is bigger than those website owners who agree to host the DCC in the first place. I need to not only create a Wikipedia of my own, add member signup functions, as well as edit the information waiting for approval to be published. I will need to find people interested in being administrators who speak foreign languages fluently, from other countries, to assist me in the foreign language department of submissions waiting on approval to be published. I also need to recruit people who can fix bugs and viruses that may occur with the Wikipedia itself. And I will need to find people who can fix security issues associated with members being harassed on the site as well as people who can help me solve website issue needs when I come up against a brick wall, in case the website needs expanding. How on Earth am I going to do all that?

The encyclopedia will expand in members prolifically once it is set up but my fear is who will attack my website and try to put me out of business? Perhaps I will have one million new members each year? I wonder how many of them will actually be aliens? Knowledge of this nature coming in from just about everyone on this planet will be bigger than any site on the Internet currently existing. Its value will be huge, perhaps in the trillions. Nowhere on Earth will information be found all in one place, and in such detail. Who will try to shut me down? The American government? The NSA, CIA? Perhaps someone will try to buy my Wikipedia from me, or threaten me with a lifetime prison sentence if I don’t shut it down? Anything is possible I guess. But what will the aliens do knowing the encyclopedia exists on the Internet? Will they try to interfere with it too? Will it be protected somehow from attack? Will I be safe if I put an Extraterrestrial Encyclopedia on the Internet or will I die for the cause? Only time will tell what happens to me but I don’t plan on dieing as I have too much to do on Earth. Without me these DCCs will never get on the Internet, and I am the only one who can make it become a reality right now.

Each DCC on the Internet, on each website, is a stand alone programme that has its own database and capacity to store information and images within itself. However, each one must be linked to a mother programme for all the information to be viewed in one location and be publicly viewable by everyone at the same time.

With that said, each DCC is a vital piece of the mother programme, the encyclopedia because without the DCCs online it will be harder to locate the website and add to it, perhaps. But if hundreds of websites are linked to the encyclopedia then more people will be able to access and find the encyclopedia itself. Imagine how much information can be added to the encyclopedia by 3 million people alone.

It is better, if possible, to put each DCC onto sites that have large visitor counts per year so each visitor to the encyclopedia will talk about it and tell their friends to join up. Then the visitors will become members of the encyclopedia and will invite others to join. It will spread across the planet like wildfire and information about extraterrestrials will finally be revealed. We can all say goodbye to any conspiracies and disclosure projects about extraterrestrials. This encyclopedia may even force the world’s governments to tell us the truth about extraterrestrials. Anything is possible.


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