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Is telepathy evidence that aliens exist?

Thursday, March 11, 2010   at  2:50 AM
In my opinion not really but sort of at the same time. Allow me to explain. Telepathy is a form of mind communication from one being to another. Aliens use it more often than they verbally talk. However, when it comes to the Earth human side of telepathy (doing it) we are not good at using telepathy as a means of communication. We are not telepathic nor were our ancestors. But somewhere in the past our species was telepathic else we would not be able to speak telepathically to aliens.

Okay so aliens speak telepathically. How do we hear what they say to us? I’m guessing here so bear with me. The actual process, from what I understand from all of the telepathic conversations I’ve had with aliens, telepathic thoughts reach our minds in the form of sound (?) waves. It travels through the air from one mind to another. Or telepathy is a natural part of hearing and thinking in a species’ global consciousness. Both sound great to me but which one is correct I don’t know. After we “hear” the thoughts our “something” converts the foreign language into your native spoken language.

In theory that is correct but how is it possible for our minds (or whatever translates the languages in our head) to understand alien languages in the first place? How do we know what an alien is even saying if they are speaking in a different language other than our own? Or are they? Maybe there is only one language and we all are speaking it and our geographical location differences makes it sound different?

I’d better get to the point here …………. When a supposed alien speaks to us telepathically how do we know if it is indeed an alien talking and not our own conscious or subconscious mind chatting back to us? In most instances it will be a part of our self chatting back but on the rare occasions an alien will be talking to us. So, where is the evidence and will I ever get to the point? I’m getting to it, I promise and I’ll reveal the evidence at the end of this blog post.

The thing we need to look at first is the way we speak telepathically. Our species has barely climbed out of the cot. We are still a young species. Telepathy is new to us and we speak awkwardly with our minds. We have not perfected any telepathic techniques yet, and we are still incapable of 150% focusing upon on who we are speaking to telepathically. With that said, we can now look at the evidence. Hooray, everyone says!

When we first pick up telepathic thoughts we mistake them for our own. Yet, if you look hard enough and focus in on those thoughts you should find the thoughts are not your own. You will find they come from an external source. In this instance “external’ means from outside your own mind and body. You can, if you know how to, locate where the thoughts are coming from. You will find, in most cases, an alien staring back at you in your mind if you do go searching for the source. There will also be a solid, undeniable link between yourself and the alien. If there is none then you are not talking to an alien.

But this evidence is not substantial enough to count as evidence or proof that aliens exist. More evidence is needed with this topic. So, let’s find some! Now, let’s say, you want proof but you know you’ll never get it from the alien. What do you do? Simply ask it something that can be proven that you don’t even know exists. If you get a response, great. If not, try something like this….. Ask the alien to, for a few moments; affect you with its thoughts so you do something you would not normally do. Stipulate that it is not allowed to be something that will harm you or someone else in any way. If you are truly in contact with an alien you will get an immediate response, and you will be influenced thus proving to yourself that aliens are real.

However, the one thing I still am sure of is telepathy is not a reliable source of evidence that aliens exist. It is just not studied enough by scientists to be counted as evidence.


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