Abducted by ETs:   What comes next then?

I want my 2 mobile phones and battery back that you stole from me!

Saturday, June 9, 2012   at  3:51 PM
How would you like it if I were an extraterrestrial/demon and I took a device of yours and never gave it back? You would be angry too. What gives you extraterrestrials/demons the right to take things that don't belong to you without asking us humans first? In our society it is called "stealing".

Stolen from me were:
2 complete mobile phones;
1 battery from a third mobile phone.

The devices you took are called mobile phones and a battery. They are used for communicating to other people with via satellite signals. However, the devices are not like a land line which depends upon a cable to connect it to the source of signals. Mobile phones have their own power supply called a battery. Every few days the battery needs recharging through a normal electrical plug which connects to the mobile phone itself. A lot, if not most mobile phones, have additional features in them apart from the function of a communication device. Amongst other things my mobile phone was used heavily and solely for the purpose of taking live images (photographs) and live footage which includes sounds (videos).

Without my mobile phones I am unable to continue my study of birds in Tenterfield nor can I take videos of anything.

Whoever was responsible for taking my mobile phones and mobile phone battery must return them back to me immediately. I want them back. Return the objects and I will forgive you. If you do not return my mobile phones and battery your actions will be noted as an act of war, and you will lose. You will be considered by me as a thief, a liar, and someone to NEVER trust.


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