Abducted by ETs:   What comes next then?

Are extraterrestrials nothing more than demons?

Wednesday, June 6, 2012   at  1:42 PM
Have you ever wondered why extraterrestrials never openly walk amongst us, or why they act so secretly? I thought I knew those answers but in a recent encounter with some unknown aliens (I couldn't identify their species) I couldn't get passed one thing. That one thing was just after the encounter an Angel woke me up. Yes, the Angel woke me up, and in doing so I was able to remember part of the encounter.

Throughout my life I've had more encounters with aliens than I care to mention or can count. The last three encounters have been with, I believe, Gray aliens. They have always come to me either whilst asleep or at a near sleep state. Very rarely have I had an alien encounter during the day time. But something struck me the other day about the aliens that have been tormenting and visiting me. It was their presence in general. I don't mean their presence in their sense of being here but rather in the sense of them hiding themselves from me so I would not detect them. If the Angel had not have woken me up I would not be writing this because I would not have remembered the encounter at all.

I have been doing a lot of thinking about the aliens and a few days ago I came to a new knowingness. Aliens are demons in disguise and I can prove it.

1. All "so-called aliens" behave in a manner that dictates they act under the darkness of the night time. All their activity is mostly performed of a night time. The day time "sightings" of aliens and UFOs are acts of desperation of the demons because they know they are running out of time.

2. Look into the eyes of, or naturally feel the presence of, a gray alien and you will instantly feel "terror and the most evil nature possible". If extraterrestrials were actually real beings and did actually exist somewhere in creation, they would not be evil in nature nor would they instil fear upon us humans. This evilness is a trait of demons.

3. Gray aliens, in particular, are renowned for being human soul stealers and eventually absorb the souls they "kidnap" until there is nothing left of those souls. Sound familiar? Demons do the exact same thing! The question is how do aliens capture these souls once they leave the body of the human that they just killed? Even us humans cannot do that. Satan and his army of demons do the exact same thing, and are also renowned for being soul stealers. Not all demons were once fallen Angels. Quite a lot of them are actually human souls that they captured and manipulated to work for Lucifer or else. So, if demons/Fallen Angels are capable of kidnapping/capturing human souls after they die, and they are the only ones who do this then it is safe to say that the Gray aliens are nothing more than demons/fallen Angels in disguise.

4. Aliens are reknowned for deleting your memory. This is a form of deception by the demons. They erase your memory so you do not figure out who your abductors really are. They do this to keep the truth from ever being revealed. If they were to be revealed as actually demons/fallen angels, they would have to change their strategy toward abducting you, which does tend to happen a lot.

5. Most, if not all aliens are telepathic. I used to believe telepathy was a way of communicating to others with your mind. Well, it is but only demons communicate in this manner. Angels have no need for telepathy because they speak directly to God or inwardly to God who is always within them and around them at the same time.

6. Aliens do not behave like "Divine beings". A lot of people consider aliens as beings from another world/s, and I was one of those people until recently. But in thinking about this scenario I cannot get passed the fact that if aliens really were here we would see them and would be talking to them, publicly. Aliens hide themselves from people, including their victims they abduct. They rarely speak about God or Jesus Christ which makes it hard to detect where they come from.

7. Aliens never let you forget that they are around. Have you ever tried to live one day of your life without having something happen that reminds you of being abducted by aliens, or that aliens exist?

8. The pressure of people worrying about being attacked by demons has
disappeared but has been replaced with "aliens".

9. Where is God in all of this? It seems that the more alien activity on Earth there is the less presence of God we sense. The proof, and obvious fact here, is someone has given the word for someone to do nasty, evil things to humanity. Look at the increase of violence within our own species. It has dramatically been rising for years, but got worse in the last 10 years or so. The presence of God is here on Earth, and he is trying to enlighten us about Lucifer's activities here on Earth. God empowers us with his light and his truth in many different ways, and these ways are becoming a lot more noticeable should anyone actually be empowered by God at the time. People in general are starting to come together
in the name of "God's truth" -about every possible topic imaginable.

10. By each passing year there is an ever increasing activity of UFOs and aliens present here on Earth. None of these UFOnauts are interested in saving us. They have their own agenda, their own motives which appear to just distract us humans from knowing what they really are, and from knowing who WE really are.

The thing that has really bothered me so for so long is why are there so many "aliens" visiting the Earth right now. Why do so many of them have different agendas and why so many of them have different physical forms? Why do they all say different things, especially of what is going to happen in the future? I thought about this for a long time, comparing these things with God's Angelic encounters that I've had, and I came to the understanding that something was just not right about aliens in general. I have also yet to come across one alien that has ever spoken the full truth about anything.

What does this mean for us humans? It means what we are seeing as UFOs and
extraterrestrials is nothing more than an illusion (sort of) of demonic activity. The Next time you spot a UFO take a closer look at the colour of it. Notice how on most UFOs the colour/s are dark, the range of colours go from red to orange to a dull shiny white light colour.

Notice also that the UFOnauts themselves do not act in your best interest, nor do they ask your permission to do things to you, like abduct you or experiment on you. They do it whether you agree to it or not. Some of them are even pretending to be divine Angels. No Angel in their right mind would partake in the abduction of a human being let alone be a witness or a working with these extraterrestrials for the benefit of our species. Divine Angels simply do not do that.

And what about those so-called aliens that actually call themselves divine
Angels. I will give you one example here: Val Thor! If no-one is up to speed with Val Thor -the supposed alien who came from Venus and who stayed at the White House/Pentagon back in the 1960s.....Well, that's just rubbish. Oh, I don't mean that it didn't happen....It did happen. What I'm trying to say here is, that Val Thor claims to be a divine Angel from the throne room of God but at the same time calls himself an extraterrestrial.

I have been in recent contact with this so-called "Val Thor" the extraterrestrial, via a human (female) who also claims to be his twin flame. The human in question is lead to believe that there are two Val Thors, one is a demonic Being the other an Angel. I've experienced both Val Thors and just between you and me the source is identical of where they exist in their reality. That is physically impossible unless Val Thor has split himself in two and one part of himself is evil, and the other half of himself is good. Just like the Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde story.

There is also something a bit suspicious about Val Thor (the supposed good one) that doesn't make sense either. Since when do divine Angels need to use space crafts to get about in? Angels have never used space crafts before, so why now? I have never personally encountered a space craft that was manned by divine Angels, and I've encountered a lot of different divine Angels in my time.


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