Abducted by ETs:   What comes next then?

Mobile phone still missing but paranormal activity has still ceased

Saturday, March 3, 2012   at  11:24 AM
It seems awfully strange that not long after I create the blog "Calling All Extraterrestrials" all the paranormal activity stopped. It has been a week since it stopped and everything appears to have gone back to normal, although my mobile phone is still "missing".

Is there a connection between the blog I created and the paranormal activity, and if so, why has the so-called extraterrestrial not replied back a third time? I don't even want to guess at all the "What ifs?" as its too early in the morning for me right now.

I guess I'll just wait and see what happens but I have a strong gut feeling that the so-called extraterrestrial wasn't a real extraterrestrial in the first place. I mean why would "ETs" publicly contact humans for in the first place when it would be too dangerous for them to do so?

By the way, I have publicly wrote a post asking the ETs to return my mobile phone. No sign of the phone yet. Mongrels, they are!


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