Abducted by ETs:   What comes next then?

Just a dream, or was it?

Thursday, March 8, 2012   at  12:36 PM
It is extremely rare for me to remember my dreams and even rarer for me to dream about extraterrestrials. What I dreamt this morning has left me wondering what if I had an extraterrestrial contact in my dreams/sleep? I have had similiar dreams in the past involving extraterrestrials but nothing like the dream I was about to remember having.

It was just after midnight, by how many hours I do not know, that I went to bed when I began dreaming. I rarely, if ever, remember my dreams in the first place but this morning I had the weirdest dream/nightmare ever that had romance yet blood curdling graphic violence you could ever imagine. I can still remember the dream. Actually I was being chased in the dream, and when I hid in a life size dinosaur's head (there were at least 2 robotic dinosaurs) a real trex showed up and started approaching and roaring at the closest robotic dinosaur, and I thought to myself I do not like where this is going so I forced myself to wake up.

To the romance part of the dream. There was this guy but he was not human as such. He was invisible at first, and he approached me as I laid in bed. For some unknown reason we started kissing and suddenly I found that if he leaned back and to the right I could almost fully see him materialize. I asked him to get in that position again, and sure enough I could almost see him like he was fully materialized. He told me many things. He told me he was one of my "ex guardian extraterrestrials" (that was his own words) and said he had fallen in love with me. I asked him which species he was and he told me.

Anyway, as the dream progressed the first time, he tried to rescue me but couldn't. After I saw him leave to get help, he became distance in the dream - in the respect of being someone or something in the background, like a distant mountain you cannot quite fully see or reach. All that time in the dream he was almost invisible. However, at one point about half way into the dream, I was in a coffee shop with someone and he walked in, fully materialized. I was shocked. He was at least 6 foot tall and had the strangest looking head you'd ever see on an extraterrestrial. Our eyes met as he looked around to locate me. He then said out loud "Do you want to come for a ride in my car with me?" I said "No, I am busy right now." and so he left. He had never fully materialized until that moment in the dream.

After I woke up from my dream when the trex came into my dream, I had trouble getting back to sleep. I began dreaming a different dream and suddenly fell off a cliff into the great abyss below. Out of nowhere this same extraterrestrial flung himself off the same cliff and grabbed me in his arms in midair and together we both fell down into the abyss. My last words were "I'd rather die loving you than be alone for the rest of my life." And that's where my memory of my dreams ended.

Nothing strange about that. However, I woke up at 7AM to the sound of my mobile phone's alarm clock going off. Instead of the phone being on my bedside table, where I leave it now, I found it next to my pillow, on the left of my pillow. I sleep on the right side of the bed. I know I did not put it there last night. Who put it there if it wasn't me? Maybe, just maybe, the extraterrestrial in my dream put it there. It is a possibility.

The mystery deepens.....

Was he the one responsible for all the paranormal activity during the passed 4 months? As weird as it sounds, I haven't overlooked the fact I could be imagining all of this. After all, it was just a dream I had. I have not dated anyone in more than 10 years and I do think a lot about extraterrestrials. It is probably more than probable that I just dreamed a normal dream which just happened to be about an extraterrestrial, although that did seem to be the main theme in the dream. But, as I woke up this morning my mobile phone relocated itself as I slept. The relocation of my mobile phone was NOT, I repeat NOT, a dream. That part actually did happen. I do not have objects relocate themselves. Okay, some things go missing on me but about half of those items are found again weeks, even months later, in a new location. They completely vanish before I find them again. My mobile phone that I have now was originally my brother's mobile phone which he recently lent me/gave me. My original mobile phone is still missing. I don't know where it is.

The paranormal activity stopped around the 26-28 February 2012 and nothing out of the ordinary has happened since then, except for two phone calls where the caller hung up the phone the moment I said hello.
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