Abducted by ETs:   What comes next then?

I don't remember missing Sunday

Monday, December 6, 2010   at  5:51 PM
The text below was originally written on the 6th December 2010 at 5:51PM on the Extraterrestrial eBook blog that no longer exists. I was going to delete this text but after reading it I thought I'd keep it. I like to look back on my thoughts and how sometimes I cannot recollect certain days. Maybe one day I'll be able to see if there is a pattern to all of this weird stuff.

The text below is my original journal entry, with a few unrelated paragraphs removed.
Our species is so concerned about making a living, living under a false disguise created by our governments that we are forced to scrounge and save money the best way we can. I am no different than the next person in this regard. This just creates stress at so many levels that it will affect you psychologically after a while. And today, it has affected me at a subconscious level. Today I woke up believing it was Sunday, that is until I heard the school bus go passed at 3:40pm. I do not remember having lived Sunday as yet which brings me to "Where the hell did Sunday go to?" All I remember about the weekend was, on Friday I took my daughter to the High School. I brought her home from school, and after a while we both slept. We got up again, had dinner and went back to bed. Saturday was a quite day where I caught up with the clothes washing and dirty dishes and other housework. We went to bed, woke up and now its Monday. WTF? I don't recollect anything unusual happening and I didn't see anything unusual happening apart from the Flat I live in was making some odd noises yesterday. How could I possibly miss a whole day?

Two days ago I did get some strange thoughts pop into my head, of how we dream because we are self-conscious of something at the time. That sort of made sense when I thought about it but I didn't write about it to add as a post to one of my other blogs. I don't remember having any strange dreams or being in contact with anyone. Strange but my brother has not even been over to visit as frequently as he normally does, and my guardian Angel has been missing for about three weeks now. Apart from the thought about the dreams being induced by a self-conscious state of mind nothing out of the ordinary has happened to me. So, where did Sunday disappear to? I may never know!

Which brings me back to this site, and to the fact there is a lack of truth in our world. The governments, etc of our world work so hard at covering up the truth that it makes me wonder if even this reality is what we really think it is. I discovered last night that pain is nothing but a psychological illusion. Pain exists within our bodies because it exists within our mind as a reality. If you take away that reality and use a placebo and fully believe in it - the mind eliminates the pain! That is a scientific fact. So just using a placebo as an example, if we are capable of eliminating pain with just our mind, are capable of speaking telepathically when in contact with extraterrestrials, Angels, or even demons, then what else are we capable of achieving? Is this question what our leaders are trying to hide from us? Possibly!

If you have read something about my alien encounters (you can read about them on my Encyclopedia blog - which now no longer exists) I have all these alien species interested in what I am doing, or what I could be doing. Currently, I have the supposed Pleiadians on my case asking me to talk to them about some plan that needs my urgent attention. WTF? Yeah, right. Like I'm going to listen to a bunch of aliens who won't even identify themselves or even show themselves to me. And who am I (a mere mortal human being) to be involved in the plans of the supposed Pleiadians. I have never encountered them before, not in this life time anyway. I was asked by one of these Pleiadians (on the phone) - if you can believe that - if I could do something to control the American government to stop them from attacking them and spying on them, etc. I'm not making this up. This actually happened to me less than two months ago. I find the whole thing suspicious as they (the so-called Pleiadians) are not acting like extraterrestrials and they won't fill me in any any of the details. If they were true extraterrestrials they would satisfy my humanly requests for a one on one contact. Extraterrestrials who visited me in the past never, and I mean NEVER substituted one of themselves for a mere human claiming to be one of them and then never give me proof to verify that alien's reality. Nor would they contact me from a distance, like from the other side of the world. If they wanted to contact me they would visit me. PERIOD! That's just what real extraterrestrials do!!!!!

Which makes me think what I am trying to achieve here with this site? I do know the truth has to be told not matter what the form the truth comes in. I have not read 99% of these ebooks so I don't know if they are genuine, hoaxes, or just plain dribble. It really doesn't matter if you ask me because the truth always is revealed eventually.

But there is one thing I do know for certain, and that is I do not believe George Adamski was lieing about his contacts with beings from Venus and Saturn. About three months ago I read part of one of his books for the very first time, which I have added to this site, and the way he described the inside of the Saturnian scout ship is dead accurate. I have been on board such a Saturnian scout ship but I do not consciously remember it in full. I remember the encounters in limited detail, perhaps for minutes at a time. Most of my memory is blocked off to access it, but I do remember seeing, in part, what George Adamski described of the inside of their scout ship. A great deal of my ongoing encounters involves aliens from within our solar system and over time I have become familiar with some of their space crafts and what they are like as individuals.

Extraterrestrial life in our solar system is more abundant than what the American government and NASA is telling the world. Human Intelligent life exists on Mercury, Titan, Io, Ganymede, Pluto, and Mars - these are the places I definately am aware of because the aliens told me so and because they told me they came from those worlds. As for NASA wanting to mine Titan and the moons of Jupiter - well, that will never happen. The aliens who live on those moons will simply not allow Earthlings to mine their home worlds. End of story. Besides I've already told them, on what I know of NASA's intentions, and they have confirmed to me that it simply will not happen. You can guarantee NASA will never set foot upon Titan or any of Jupiter's moons. However, Mars needs help, and soon Mars will get the help it needs to get rid of its Earthling settlement and bases.

The next time you look up at our neighbouring planets think again because the old beliefs about Earth being the only habited planet in our solar system, is incorrect. People mock George Adamski, even after his death, but he knew the truth, as much as I do. We are not alone in our solar system. We are being intently watched and studied. We will be eliminated if it needs to happen and there is nothing no-one can do about it. We must choose our allies carefully - but not as an entire species rather as individuals, and our only allies are those that live in our own solar system, except for those on Pluto. The Plutonians, I'm told, are much more violent and destructive than us humans on Earth, and are to be avoided at all cost. Earth comes under the jurisdiction of the solar system in which we live, not some Galactic Federation which has nothing to do with us or anyone else in our solar system. And that is the law in which we must obey, not some law made up by some group of species from some far distant constellation that cannot interfere with our own laws and federation as a united species.

Any species of extraterrestrial that attempts to interfere with our solar systems Federation laws, or who do not work with our solar system neighbours are after something which goes against the Planetary Federation. The Planetary Federation for our solar system exists on Io only, a moon of Jupiter. It has many council members of which surpass its civilians of the worlds in which inhabit that planet (Jupiter). They surpass all other inhabitants by knowledge and energy vibration alone. The council members do not consider themselves superior to anyone else. They consider themselves responsible for maintaining life on those home worlds, and taking care of the whole rather than the individual's selfish needs. The Planetary Federation of our solar system is but the main one which meets with other planetary councils that are established on other planets or moons within our solar system, when required, and the Planetary Federation has the final say over everything that happens within our solar system.

What happens on Earth is always a concern of the Planetary Federation. Earth humans are by far an unevolved species. We are not ready to be a part of the Planetary Federation yet and our actions are proof of that. The fact we are a divided species proves we cannot make a decision for the whole of our species. Extraterrestrials outside the Planetary Federation will always try to interfere and confuse us as a species, and will keep us from taking that step toward harmony and unison as one species on this planet.

Its funny but books are especially good at reminding us of who we really are. The written word is a powerful tool at speaking it's own truth and gaining the attention of its readers. Perhaps something did happen to me after all...my memory was jogged of why I am doing all of this, and it took a memory loss to find the truth!


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