Abducted by ETs:   What comes next then?

Can things get any worse - my worldufospace profile has been hacked into!

Saturday, May 15, 2010   at  1:58 AM
Recently I rejoined a UFO social network site called WorldUFOSpace. I rejoined the site because it was moving to a new host. I have just come from that site and just needed to log into Blogger to write my thoughts down. I'm really stressing out right now - big time - as someone has hacked into my profile and deleted all my alien and ufo encounters I had visibly displayed on my profile in an embedit.in scroll box. Whomever it was that hacked into my profile had done so within the last 24 hours. I've already reported the incident to the website owner.

But the thing is no-one has ever deleted anything of mine except for me. It wasn't me because it took me a long time to get a scroll box to display on my profile - I couldn't find the right site to get a scroll box that could handle 27 PDF pages of nothing but text. I was rightly proud of myself for eventually finding the right website and having the scroll box on my profile just made me happy as I just wanted all my alien and ufo sightings/encounters to be displayed on my profile.

I thought things were going great and then last night I saw yet another UFO. That's 5 UFOs, or 3 UFOs and I saw one three times the same day, for May 2010! Well, I thought all was fine. I don't want to even think about the possibility that the aliens had something to do with my site being hacked into and were responsible for all my alien/ufo encounters being deleted. That thought has crossed my mind already I can tell you.

But on the other side of the fence I have never had anyone do anything bad like this to me before. The humans who have done bad things to me, well, have done things of a lot worse nature than simply deleting my entire alien/UFO encounters in an embeded widget/scroll box. Mind you, in the last 72 hours I have deleted/closed/cancelled my Facebook, Twitter, and a few other profiles. Is this a sign or is there just a human out there hell bent on ruining my plans? I sure would like to find out who hacked into my profile as this has really made me mad.


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