Abducted by ETs:   What comes next then?

My life is always so busy

Wednesday, April 21, 2010   at  3:54 AM
Trying to write a blog post every few days is really hard. I homeschool my daughter as well as make video tutorials for a website owner in my spare time. I walk 2kms to the shops to buy food and walk another 2kms home again - as I don't own a car. But it is good exercise only if it is not raining. Some days I get drenched by the rain before I even get to the shops but that is not a problem lately.

Lately my problem is my left arm. I should get it checked out but if I need to get an ultrasound done on it then "the staff" tell you at the hospital that we need the money upfront or no ultrasound can be done on you. Yeah, right. This is a hospital that has minimal staff, no resident doctor, and refuse to let you keep your own xrays. Even if I had the money the specialist would probably tell me that I need to have surgery done on my arm to fix the problem. Yeah, like I am capable of travelling all the way to Lismore or Armidale to have surgery. I don't have that kind of money to travel, even with 1/2 price bus tickets.

Tenterfield is the worse place to live in I reckon. There is no regular dentist, only one dentist who comes from Armidale once a month on a Tuesday. And guess what I get a lot of? Toothaches! The GP's here are not the best either. Just don't get sick as you'll probably end up dead from whatever you've got.The towns' tap water makes you sick, in some parts of town the tap water cannot even be drunk as its that disgusting. I personally collect rainwater from the gutter of this Flat I live in. I don't mind the odd bug in the water but I always filter the water (with a sieve) before I drink it.

But enough whinging about this town.... I will eventually write another blog post soon. I just need some free time to write something up. It is just hard to do that with so many other things I need to do every day, being a single parent and all.

Hope to post a proper blog post soon.


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