1. Name of species: Short Grey clones
2. Height of alien: approximately 3.5 to 4.5 feet tall
3. General description of alien: They weigh on average 40 pounds and are completely hairless. They have a human being shaped body but have so many different variations to their bodies than our own. They have slender, lean bodies and limbs that are slightly longer than our own and much thinner than ours. The head to body proportional ratio of the small Grays clones is similar to that of a five month old human being fetus. They have larger heads than their body and neck can seem to support and they have large black almond shaped eyes with no white parts at all. They have a straight slit for a mouth and two nostrils but no large nose facial structured feature like on a human being. They do not have any ears that are visible. On each hand they have four elongated fingers with each finger coming to a point at the finger tips.
The Gray clones are incapable of reproducing amongst themselves and do not have any reproductive organs. Due to the fact that they have been cloned their brains are actually created from artificially grown brain matter.
4. Gender: unknown
5. Unusual body markings on alien: unknown
6. Skin colour: It is common knowledge that there are various known skin tone variations of this species with colour variants of bluish-grey to beige, tan, brown and as well as a white skin variation. There are other things which appear to affect their skin colour, two of which are: the state of their general health and the other is their skin seems to change colour after they have consumed nourishment.
7. Body odour: A distinct series of odours are produced by the clones and many of them resemble or are similar to mentholated cinnamon.
8. Describe any mood the alien expressed during your sighting: none
9. How did the alien communicate to you? Fill in one or both sections if needed:
Verbal communication: unknown
Non-verbal communication: telepathically as far as I can remember.
10. Body language: unknown
11. Personality: unknown
Other information : none
12. Alien’s origin: unknown. However, their original creators, The Dow - the original tall Gray species - came from the Zeta Reticuli II star system.
13. Alien’s origin in reality: unknown
14. Cultures and beliefs of alien species: unknown
15. How many of these aliens did you encounter or witness? 1
16. Was the alien clothed or naked?: appeared naked but unsure of this fact
17. Describe how the alien physically moved in general: unknown as the encounter took place physically but not physically at the same time.
18. Additional information: My first interaction with a grey clone was not a good one. I was instantly filled with such a huge degree of fear that I could not move. This fear is also accompanied by the knowingness of the presence of pure evil within them when looking into their eyes. The evil these beings emit makes it impossible to look at their faces, especially at their eyes. So much evil present in such a small body! I have only encountered the same degree of evil previously, and that is when I came across a group of red-eyed demons.
One disadvantage of this species is that any kind of decision to be made takes a while to make since none of the clones are capable of acting independently on their own accord. This type of social structure has no room for sudden surprises as all their plans, functions and duties can be made redundant if it comes into contact with anything outside its normal operating context. They would simply fail to perform any task as it confuses them.
These small Grays, unlike their original counterpart species, are clones which possess no souls and that as a collective are electronically controlled and monitored by a unified social memory organization which originates from their creators. This permits them to perform their duties and functions effectively and effortlessly as a group mind and as such are a species which operates as one unit rather than individually on their own. They do not possess a distinctive individuality to which most alien species, and human beings of Earth alike, possess. They do not know how to think as an independent, free being nor do they choose to be that way. They do not have emotions and have no compassion or thought for other beings they are abducting.
19. Messages for humanity/yourself: None
20. Was the alien seen with a different species of alien?: Yes, one other alien species. I am uncertain of the exact species but it looked whiter than the Grey and was taller by at least 2-3 feet. It was humanoid, possibly even human looking but cannot be certain.