This Data Collection Center was founded by me, Shirley Eliza Hardy on the 8th of October 2009. It was suggested to me and the entire contents of this Data Collection Center was laid out for me in the following manner, by extraterrestrials themselves. The Welcome Page is entirely my own words but the rest of the pages are not. A unique concept given to humanity, by those in space, who watch over us and suggest things to humans for the benefit of all humanity. Nowhere else will such an encyclopedia be available to humans, as this is a one of a kind section of this site. We no longer live in unique times, rather that of alien ways of doing things, and an A-Z encyclopedia of extraterrestrials visiting Earth is what is needed right now. We need to understand aliens better and have the ability to cope with the emotional impact on our lives that their encounters bring. Without it, as a species and as individuals, we would not be able to grow, learn, evolve, or greet them with open minds and loving hearts.
There are untold numbers of alien abductions and encounters each year and the number is increasing. There is invaluable information simply going to waste when it now can be stored by the general public. Together we can now be enlightened, forewarned, and be at awe of all the extraterrestrials. No place will match the knowledge which only you possess - until it is written down here on the following pages. Nowhere else will you find so much information about any particular alien species than on this site.
This section is designed to be used by the public, to gather information about each and every alien species, their technology, abilities, beliefs, culture, way of life/civilization, etc that a human could not normally find anywhere else. However, I feel that this encyclopedia/Data Collection Center will be the result of my own hands and my own research. This site will enable us to discover which are the good aliens and which are the bad aliens.
Feel free to submit your own information to me to add to this site. Please read each section carefully before submitting all the information you provide. Some questions may be repeated on first glance but they are entirely different questions altogether. Be a part of the ever-increasing quest for information about extraterrestrials, and submit your own experiences with extraterrestrials to add to this Extraterrestrial Data Collection Center.

(This list of 8 items below are tabs which link all the pages together in sequence. The pages must remain in this order.)
Alien species
Photographs or drawings of different alien species
Types of crafts used or encountered
Technology viewed or encountered
Unusual phenomena you saw the alien do
Other alien species involved
Crop circles