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Blue and purple coloured hairs found at home

Wednesday, December 7, 2011   at  7:31 PM
If only I had a microscope! Twice now within the last 30 days my daughter has found hairs that are not normal coloured hairs. The first one she found on the shower recess wall and it was purple. It looked like a normal human hair and was about 2 inches long once it was pulled out to it's to full length. That purple hair mysterious vanished without a trace right in front of me, never to be seen again. The second hair was found today, of all places, on her finger tip, as she was eating icecream. I have the hair in a sealable plastic bag, but it is too fine to take a photo of it. The hair is approximately this colour blue but it has a luminosity about it that makes it seem to glow or radiate when sunlight is on it.

I have ruled out that it could be doll hair or my daughter's toy unicorn with a blue mane. The blue hair that was found is nothing like the mane of the toy unicorn. There is nothing visible of anything in my Flat that could possible resemble blue human looking hair. The hair itself is not a complete strand of hair. It is approximately 1.5cm long. It does not have a hair follicle attached to it, nor does it seem to come to a point at an end - meaning it is not an eyelash. I have identified the hair as a hair that has come from the head rather than the eyelash area. But this is a premature assumption as I have no way of knowing it is actually hair that has come from a living Being.

What colour hair do my daughter and I have? Well, my daughter has dark brown hair (almost black) with a natural blonde streak in it at the top of her head. As for me, my hair is a combination of light brown; orange; and gray. I mostly have gray hair though. I do ocassionally dye my hair but never outrageous colours like blue or purple. The last time I dyed my hair was about 2 years ago.

So, ruling out that the hair came from my daughter and myself, I am now left with a mystery to solve. Where do these hairs come from? Or should I say, from whom? Our human visitors do not have purple or blue hair either, nor have they ever had dyed their hair those colours. This just deepens the mystery. It is very unusual but probably nothing out of the ordinary like an Extraterrestrial's hair. But I will never know unless I get it examined to get it identified, but at the same time I don't want to waste anybody's time by bothering them about it.

Update 7 December 2011 (5:47PM): My brother and I managed to take some photos of the blue hair along with our own head hair. Here are some of the better photos of the blue hair that was found. Click the images to view larger size.

The blue hair that my daughter found.
The blue hair along with my hair.
The blue hair with my hair on left. My brother's hair on right.
I have placed the blue hair in the only plastic bag I could find which also happened to have 2 semi-precious stones in it that I bought when I was in Lightning Ridge years ago.


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