There are many, many opinions about extraterrestrials amongst my species. Some do not believe in the existence of extraterrestrials, while others do. And then there are the skeptics, as well as those people who are uncertain that they are real even though they have been abducted by extraterrestrials.
The human mind is very powerful but yet so vulnerable. Humans feel helpless when they are abducted because they have no way to prevent it happening in the first place. Humans are taken against their conscious choice, and either experimented on, or spoken to by extraterrestrials. Then the humans' memories of the encounter is erased and placed back where they were found.
Erasing our memories is one of the worst things any extraterrestrial can do to a human. The lack of memory makes us not only feel like we are going insane but we cannot cope with the encounter in the first place. How can anyone cope with an experience, or adapt to it, if we have no source of reference to use?
What's worse than that is over time we do sometimes remember things when we are abducted and it scares us. If some extraterrestrials are scared of humans then you had better take into consideration what it is like for humans to encounter you.
Imagine being in our place for a moment. You live on a planet you cannot get off of, and in a society that is self-destructive, and face all kinds of dangers every day of your life. For example: other people being mean toward you, calling you horrible names, living your life in relative peace when suddenly you begin experiencing strange dreams or have missing time, or see UFOs or something happens to you that involves an extraterrestrial that scares you. And it keeps on happening all the time and it won't stop and you can't make it stop. You begin to withdraw in on yourself because you have told a few people what you have experienced and they think you are either crazy or you are hallucinating. You are left with a sense of helplessness that you just cannot shake, and in the end you fear for your life and very existence. Sometimes when you think of death it become unappealling because you've learnt even in death your soul can be stolen.
Humans are very frail creatures. You might consider us primitive and violent but there is always a reason why we are violent. Most often than not we act in a violent manner, or a verbally aggressive manner, because we don't truly know how to defend ourselves properly. Look around our planet and look at what is on it in the way of life forms. Humans live on a planet filled with so much life that most of it (even the plants and microbes) act out their lives in a defensive manner. Animals that are predators always kill what they are going to eat. The prey animals always have to fight for their very lives just so they don't become some other animal's meal. Most humans on Earth are carnivors (meat eaters) and we need to eat meat of another creature. We domesticated wild animals so we could eventually catch them to kill them and eat them. Most animals on Earth are edible to us humans but some are extremely venomous or poisonous. We know how to go around those areas and are still able to eat them, if we were hungry enough. We have large collections of "antivenom" and "antivenin", which is basically a needle injection to counteract the effects of venomous snakes and spiders on Earth. Animals and humans clash a lot but the animals tend to lose because humans shoot the animals with guns for all sorts of reasons.
However, humans live amongst all this animal violence and it affects us in a big way. It makes us aggressive or submissive, or feel threatened. We carry those traits from experiences with animals subconsciously into our reactions with other humans and when we encounter demons, ghosts, Angels, and extraterrestrials. When a human is being abducted and the human is fighting to escape, that human is going through a term what we call a "fight or flight" mode. It is a self-preservation mode which dictates to us subconsiously that we are in danger to the point where our very existence is at stake. You will see this "fight or flight" behaviour all through the animal kingdom when predator animals are involved. Animals have to outsmart their killers or the animals being hunted will surely die right then and there. No animal on Earth wants to die from being hunted by a predator animal, and no human wants to be abducted by extraterrestrials nor die from the hands of another creature. But this is the reality in which we live, and we must survive at all costs, as humans have become a part of this planet, and a part of the animal kingdom too.
But when we have been abducted by extraterrestrials our whole reality gets thrown upside down. We cannot, despite what you do to us, find any truth or common logic in the experiences that states to us that the encounters seemed real, that you are real. We find that we begin questioning the very existence of our reality. Humans are not used to seeing extraterrestrials or UFOs in the sky. It is not normal for us to see these things. We are only used to seeing things that are of the Earth. In our scientific studies we are slowly beginning to understand the real reasons why some things happen on Earth, like how and why the northern and southern polar lights occur. We have ventured out into space using unmanned probes but we are not learning all that much as a whole species because our civilization is not working together to benefit everyone at the same time.
Humanity on Earth may seem chaotic to you but believe you me that it is the individual person who is able to define the real truth and then spread it to our fellow humans (via the internet). Our leaders would never do such a thing as they wish to keep the rest of the population under control. The real citizens of Earth, the ones that really matter and the ones who make a difference, are all the people outside of our governments, military and secret organisations. They are the ones who will make a difference to all life on Earth. They are the ones who want peace and who want no more war, and just want to be happy.
What humans believe to be the truth may not be the truth at all. We do not understand any better despite our unending efforts to find the truth. It is very difficult for humans to fully believe in the existence of extraterrestrials simply because of the fact that there is no undeniable evidence that proves extraterrestrials even exist in the first place. Not one single extraterrestrial that has come forth has been scientifically proven to be of extraterrestrial origin. They make it worse by refusing to give samples of their blood and tissue so we can study it to verify if they are indeed extraterrestrials. Scientifically there is only so much that we can do. Individually, civilians of Earth do not have access to medical research facilities nor are we able to use their equipment not without a lot of money being paid to the Scientists to test any samples we may come across. So how are we to definitately say and prove you are an extraterrestrial, scientifically?
And with the way our society is structured, which is to keep civilians in the dark about extraterrestrials, humans are incapable of discovering the real truth about extraterrestrials. Our leaders deny your existence yet our military shoot down your crafts at every given chance just to gain access to your technology. We are a confused species when it comes to knowing if extraterrestrials are real.
Your silence in contacting us is one of a hinderance to us humans as you are contacting the wrong sort of people. You try contacting our leaders but they will never listen to you. Their agenda is to take everything from you yet at the same time to share it with no-one on Earth. Our leaders agendas are that of controlling the people of Earth. It has always been that way, for as long as we can remember.
As a voice of the human species of Earth I wish to appeal to your sense of kindness. We humans need help. How are we supposed to learn anything if you do NOT say anything to us that we can remember? What good is there in saying to stop wars if you cannot supply us with an alternative? Please say something to us humans that will actually help us. We need your feedback, and your guidance, if you are here to actually help us somehow. How is any human able to know why you are even here if you don't tell us anything about yourselves? How are we humans supposed to learn anything when you are always silent? Are we so primitive to you that you cannot even conceive in lending us a helping hand? If you cannot or will not help us then maybe you should take a moment to consider the fact that we humans will resist you until you do make contact with us and explain yourselves to us. It will happen. If you truly care about us then it is time to make open contact with us humans. Let the changes begin and become the catalyst that you are destined to be.
As an after thought please watch and listen to this video below: