Abducted by ETs:   What comes next then?

The mystery of orbs solved!

Monday, March 22, 2010   at  5:45 AM 0 comments
Before reading this post please watch my video titled “What happened when I physically went to a higher dimension!” It will give you a better understanding of what I am about to reveal in this video.

It wasn’t until recently that I discovered I had an encounter with orbs back in 1994. All this time I thought they were just lights and treated them as such. But now I feel the need to share my knowledge and my discovery to the world in hope that it will clear a lot of things up.

You have probably come across a video, pictures or someone’s “experience” about how orbs have been spotted, especially around crop circles. Seeing orbs and then writing about the mystery behind it is very difficult for me as I have no scientific background to explain what I know with the right words, even though I know what orbs actually are. The following is an explanation of what orbs are written to the best of my ability.

In order to explain myself I need to start with the basics. Everything consists of and is made from energy. The Earth and everything on it and in this reality exists in a low, dense dimension whereby matter is not changeable, meaning you cannot consciously alter your own energy to make it vibrate faster. No-one in our reality is consciously capable of manipulating this lower, dense energy. Everywhere throughout the multiple universes exists thoughts and energy. This is the building blocks of life, really. Without either one nothing could exist, anywhere.

This energy can be measured in frequencies and as such the lower that energy vibrates the lower the energy frequency it is. At the other end of the scale the faster the energy vibrates the higher its frequency is. To give you an example of this think back to when you were in high school and were studying art. Do you remember the colour wheel? A colour wheel, in case you don’t know, is like a pie chart which has all the base, primary and secondary colours on it as well as black and white. It was explained in school that all colours have white in it. To prove this notion we students had to put a pin through the centre of the colour wheel and then spin it as fast as we could. The end result was all the colours disappeared and all we saw was white.

The same is true for energy. If you vibrate energy fast enough (energy in this example is the colours on the colour wheel) all the lower energy will disappear. The white non-colour displayed on the spinning colour wheel represents higher vibrational energy or frequencies. The concept is exactly the same except instead of spinning energy you vibrate it.

Now if you vibrate energy fast enough the object containing the energy will transform and disappear before your very eyes all at the same time. To give an example you may have already heard of this having happened to someone you know or have heard a story along similar lines. There are times when, for no obvious reason, you are going somewhere, perhaps to a shop, and no-one can see you. People seem oblivious to your presence and you are disturbed by this invisibilitiness because you can fully see yourself and your entire surroundings and everything in it. The strange part is you don’t feel different and nothing looks different to you but you can’t explain it. In some instances, I have heard, other people have actually walked straight through someone who was invisible.

This is just an example of what would happen if our own vibrational energy levels were to suddenly vibrate faster. We would simply vanish from everybody’s view and we wouldn’t notice the difference to our body. But this is just a small increase in our energy’s vibrational level. A much faster vibrational increase would make everything disappear to our own eyesight. We would find ourselves in a much higher dimension of reality in a matter of minutes, and more than likely, at this point, we would no longer be standing on planet Earth.

The thing about orbs, though, is they are easy to understand once you know how they exist in the first place so we can see them. Now that I’ve discussed energy level frequencies which increase in vibrations I need to discuss those same energy vibrations in a reverse pattern, from a higher frequency to a lower one.

When higher energy is vibrated at a much lower speed “dematerialization” occurs. Let’s say, for argument’s sake, you exist in a much higher dimension, or reality, than that of the Earth. You want to do something on Earth but do not want to fully materialize and be visible to the inhabitants of the planet. All you would need to do is lower your energy level so you can function within that reality and be visible enough to complete the task you wish to do there (on Earth). In the process of changing your energy level or frequency to a lower vibrational speed any onlookers on planet Earth would observe nothing more than an orb of energy. If you were in a space craft they would see a big orb of energy. If you were on foot they would see a small orb.

In conclusion, an orb is nothing more than energy which belongs to a being or UFO that has been altered to vibrate at a lower vibrational level thereby making it possible for the aliens to function and exist in a slightly higher dimension than our own giving them the ability to do anything they need to do here.

Now do you understand what an orb is?

Where can I get my blog transmitted into outer space?

Wednesday, March 17, 2010   at  9:00 AM 0 comments
I came across a story posted on some one's blog somewhere the other day and they mentioned a website called http://www.bloginspace.com. It was a fascinating read but the point to it all was one's personal blog gets transmitted into outer space using a communication satellite. The same sort of communication satellite that also sends TV and radio signals into space.

Now, at first, I was a bit dubious about this website, after all every time I Googled the URL address all I ever received was a blank page with nothing on it, and I still keep getting the same thing today. Its annoying actually. Apparently the web server keeps shutting down or something. But what a heck of an idea it is to have one's blog sent into outer space.......to hopefully be read by aliens.

Should I ever catch the website actually online and working I'm signing up to get my blog sent into outer space. Maybe an alien might even comment on a post or something.....wishful thinking! It is a real trend apparently, as I've been researching the site a bit and what I've been reading on the Internet is hundreds of people are registering their blog to be sent into space each day, 500 people or more to be precise.

But my plan is to write posts that get responses from aliens personally. That's the plan anyway! Maybe the ramblings of a human might sound more appealing to an alien if one discusses aliens themselves, like why they won't show themselves when asked to, etc. Maybe they will even reply back, too. I do know that aliens are capable of searching our Internet whilst on board one of their spacecraft, so they should have no problem replying or commenting on a blog post, even it if were in outer space, if you think about it.

If you are interested in aliens and like the idea of having your blog sent into outer space then join the gang of bloggers who are getting their blogs sent into outer space. I hope to see you there!

It sounds like fun, and to be honest, more interesting to watch or read than most of the TV shows around. We bloggers are real people, not actors playing some fantasy role in front of a camera. We are bearing our souls to the world but we deserve more privileges than actors. We deserve to have our blogs "out there" in space because our lives (blog posts, etc) tell more about us individually as a human being than any TV programme, radio song or commercial on either put together.

I now understand why the Extraterrestrial Data Collection Centers need to exist!

Monday, March 15, 2010   at  11:45 PM 0 comments
For a long time I couldn’t figure out why the Data Collection Centers needs to exist, and why a Wikipedia was needed. I just figured out a piece of the puzzle, and its starting to make sense to me. The DCC’s contents exist in a certain sequence. Each page builds up more information about any particular alien species thus creating an overview of what they are like. Pictures and/or drawings are added to the appropriate sections giving people a visual confirmation of each species.

Each DCC on the Internet is then connected to a bigger storage website programme, my encyclopedia, and when each DCC is filled out and the final “SAVE” button is clicked on, firstly, the information is saved on that site. Afterward, a second option appears and asks if you wish to save this information onto the encyclopedia. By clicking on the “Yes” choice a “login” page to my encyclopedia appears. Each person who adds information to the DCC’s database on any website that hosts it then creates an account with my encyclopedia and finally the information is then saved to their account. They then click on “publish information” and an information bar or something appears that says “Waiting on administrator’s permission to publish” or something like that. The information is also saved to the DCC database as well.

The purpose of the Data Collection Centers is to have all the information added to an encyclopedia that is on another website with a simple click of a button. The reason for this is so the information gathered can then be collected, processed and stored in one location on the Internet for everyone to view.

I administrate the Wikipedia/encyclopedia because I am familiar with some aliens as well as the perfect candidate for examining each bit of information coming into the encyclopedia and thus removing duplicate information, images, drawings, videos, etc. That is the task assigned to me by the Orange-skinned Gray aliens as of the 22 February 2010.

With all the edited information cleaned up and processed, with each new piece of information authorized, the public can then view that information as a whole about any particular alien species they choose to view, or they can create an account and add to it straight into the Wikipedia itself.

The task assigned to me, however, is a mighty huge task. I have no experience in Wikipedias or how to build a website. My task is bigger than those website owners who agree to host the DCC in the first place. I need to not only create a Wikipedia of my own, add member signup functions, as well as edit the information waiting for approval to be published. I will need to find people interested in being administrators who speak foreign languages fluently, from other countries, to assist me in the foreign language department of submissions waiting on approval to be published. I also need to recruit people who can fix bugs and viruses that may occur with the Wikipedia itself. And I will need to find people who can fix security issues associated with members being harassed on the site as well as people who can help me solve website issue needs when I come up against a brick wall, in case the website needs expanding. How on Earth am I going to do all that?

The encyclopedia will expand in members prolifically once it is set up but my fear is who will attack my website and try to put me out of business? Perhaps I will have one million new members each year? I wonder how many of them will actually be aliens? Knowledge of this nature coming in from just about everyone on this planet will be bigger than any site on the Internet currently existing. Its value will be huge, perhaps in the trillions. Nowhere on Earth will information be found all in one place, and in such detail. Who will try to shut me down? The American government? The NSA, CIA? Perhaps someone will try to buy my Wikipedia from me, or threaten me with a lifetime prison sentence if I don’t shut it down? Anything is possible I guess. But what will the aliens do knowing the encyclopedia exists on the Internet? Will they try to interfere with it too? Will it be protected somehow from attack? Will I be safe if I put an Extraterrestrial Encyclopedia on the Internet or will I die for the cause? Only time will tell what happens to me but I don’t plan on dieing as I have too much to do on Earth. Without me these DCCs will never get on the Internet, and I am the only one who can make it become a reality right now.

Each DCC on the Internet, on each website, is a stand alone programme that has its own database and capacity to store information and images within itself. However, each one must be linked to a mother programme for all the information to be viewed in one location and be publicly viewable by everyone at the same time.

With that said, each DCC is a vital piece of the mother programme, the encyclopedia because without the DCCs online it will be harder to locate the website and add to it, perhaps. But if hundreds of websites are linked to the encyclopedia then more people will be able to access and find the encyclopedia itself. Imagine how much information can be added to the encyclopedia by 3 million people alone.

It is better, if possible, to put each DCC onto sites that have large visitor counts per year so each visitor to the encyclopedia will talk about it and tell their friends to join up. Then the visitors will become members of the encyclopedia and will invite others to join. It will spread across the planet like wildfire and information about extraterrestrials will finally be revealed. We can all say goodbye to any conspiracies and disclosure projects about extraterrestrials. This encyclopedia may even force the world’s governments to tell us the truth about extraterrestrials. Anything is possible.


Thursday, March 11, 2010   at  2:40 PM 0 comments
Let’s look at that question this way? Let’s say you have just come from another star system and are now orbiting the planet called Earth. Your computer monitor says there are over 6.2 billion human life forms on the planet plus billions of other life forms co-inhabiting the planet too. The planet is ¾ covered in a blue coloured liquid called H2O. There are 6 continents and lots of small islands. The planet has an atmosphere, cloud coverage, various climatic conditions and is not too hot or too cold around the equator. It has a moon and a stable orbit around its sun.

The human life forms and their activity on the planet are then studied. Humans are studied for perhaps a whole generation or more. You find the human Earth race intriguing but disturbing at the same time. You want to make contact but there are too many conflicting facts to make contact physically. You observe many other alien life forms already orbiting the Earth and interacting with the Earth species already. Yet, you are not sure about making contact as you see rockets being fired upon space crafts, and listen in to the radio waves of humans to know that humans do not entirely think aliens (you) are real.

You find these signals coming from the Earth that are created by humans. The signals travel through phone cables and end up as satellite signals. Those signals are easily intercepted, and easily hacked in to find out what they actually are. You discover humans are communicating to each other via these satellite signals. Then you discover humans have computers and that is where the signals end up going to, or to a telephone.

You find a lot of the satellite signals contain messages, and after decoding a few of them you discover several different languages start to appear. You investigate further and discover hundreds of different languages these Earthlings speak. After even more investigation you discover not every human on Earth can speak all the different languages. Generally humans speak one or two different languages, depending upon their ancestry and location and interaction with migrating humans to other continents.

Baffled by all of this you decide upon the best course of action on how to make yourself known to Earth humans. You have a much more advanced technology aboard your space craft and degrading your use of technology to contact Earth humans is not an option. Perhaps you decide to do a flyby over the most important areas of the planet, going on the structure of the humans’ civilization. Well, that achieved nothing except for a few humans looking up at your space craft and them doing something with visual devices (cameras). You pick up a radio or satellite signal that states humans spotted your space craft and perhaps you see images of it too using your monitor.

So, you decide to contact one individual human and see what happens with that. You go to that human in your space craft, cloaked, of course, but the human responds with fear and terror. You are confused by the human’s reaction. You come to the conclusion that these Earth humans have not encountered aliens before and are scared of the whole contact scenario. You are at a loss of what to do next so you sit and wait it out until the human changes. You decide to try another human to see if you can get a better response but the same thing happens again. You try this many times but you always get the same result. Humans are scared of alien contact. What you do next is entirely up to you.

A question we need to ask ourselves here is why we humans are so scared of alien contact. Our governments have given aliens no choice but to go undercover and interact with us so they are not detected. We should be fortunate that the aliens care enough about us to bypass our governments, their weapons and airplanes to make contact with us using other methods. But are aliens actually real? The above point of view was from the aliens’ perspective. To prove that aliens are real you need to ask yourself a lot of questions. The evidence is there.

I’m going to share with you some of the main evidence I have found in my own alien encounters that proves aliens are real. I have only evidence but no hard physical proof that they exist. But evidence and proof could be likened as the same thing these days.

The first bit of evidence I came across was not a TV report stating a UFO was headed my way rather something quite unexplainably else. My small shack, not much bigger than the size of two caravans put together, suddenly half filled up with a brilliant white light. This was back in 1986 and I was living in a small town called Mannum, in South Australia. Now if I had a picture of my place but I don’t, you would understand this better and would see where I am coming from. That brilliant white light should not have been there. Its existence was a physical impossibility. My shack was built into the side of a cliff and was inaccessible by vehicles, period. There was no driveway anywhere near my shack except down near the main road. I’m talking about at least 100 metres away from the shack, and there was a huge shed between the driveway and the shack.

Now this light was as bright as a car’s spot light and it seemed to be at close range to the shack. Any sort of helicopter, even a silent one would not hover over my shack as it was too dangerous. Power lines were directly above my shack making it dangerous for helicopters to be there. All the obvious things were ruled out but still the light persisted and defied logic. I had a witness to this event, but that witness was a dog. The dog sensed something was wrong and wanted out of the shack.

Next, there is the undeniable feeling of being watched and knowing someone is in the room with you but you cannot see them. Now, how on Earth is this even possible if aliens are not real? We automatically know when we are being watched by another human, so it would only be true to say that it would also apply if we were being watched by an alien. This is a lot more powerful evidence than actually visually seeing an alien. Your instincts go back a long way in the evolution of our species. Knowing that you are being watched is something that always puts us on high alert (the instincts of an animal being stalked by its prey sort of feeling.)

Then there are unusual aspects of dreams. From what I know about dreams and someone please tell me if this is wrong, but when we are asleep we do not experience emotions when dreaming. Our dreams are emotionless. With that being said I have had several dreams whereby I’ve remembered what appeared to be alien contacts. Actually expressing emotions in a dream is a form of evidence, even though it may not be a good one.

Here’s another bit of evidence…..during a recent encounter (October 2009) something bazaar happened to me. It was a form of communication but at the same time is was just energy. At the same time a document (not physically) was written in that energy which then was given to me. Firstly, there is no way I could have made that up. I know myself well enough to say that I am not entirely that creative to come up with something like that. I am incapable of instantly coming up with volumes of information so descriptive, so detailed and so precise within 3 minutes total. And the way it was given to me I could not even imagine how it could be possible. It was something completely new and foreign to me.

I’ve tried writing a science fiction story but always get stuck imagining what future technology would be like. In fact, I simply cannot comprehend it or come up with anything remotely futuristic. And then having all the contents (words) of the energy suddenly explode out into my consciousness, so precisely written and so ordered and functional does not even fit into my conscious mind’s capability. It is just something that would not naturally occur to my conscious mind even under stress.

Finally, ideas or thoughts other than my own that come from an extraterrestrial source. Now, I’m not talking generally here. I am going to be very specific because I believe there is evidence in this area that probably a lot of people have already experienced but simply overlooked it. Let’s say you have an encounter with an alien that comes from the Lyra system. Firstly, you already are aware of the star called Lyra or the Lyra system before you even encountered the aliens so that part could have been made up by your brain trying to make sense of it all. There is a lot of information associated with an alien encounter that may be actually made up by our brains. So this information needs to be processed and thinned out to find the actual evidence.

We need to look for information that our brains could not have come up with, no matter how bazaar it sounds as well as information that can be proven as facts. To give you an example, back in 1990 I encountered 4 aliens (1 from Mercury, 2 from Jupiter’s moons, and 1 from Titan – Saturn’s moon). Nothing out of the ordinary there until one of them mentioned that “Something catastrophic is soon going to happen to Jupiter.” He said some other things then said, “Our planetary councils are meeting as we speak and they are deciding whether ….” (It gets a bit blurry here but the rest of it goes something like this.) …….we may need to evacuate our home worlds and relocate elsewhere in a hurry.

Still the same as before…..nothing out of the ordinary in that statement, except for one thing……. ”In 1994 comet Shoemaker/Levy 9 plummeted into Jupiter creating Earth sized explosions!!!!!” There is no possible way I could have known about this four years before it happened let alone known exactly which planet would be affected. Mind you, in 1994 I was never told what exactly was going to happen to Jupiter so I could only guess what was going to happen. I never did bother trying to guess as there were too many possibilities, and by 1994 I had completely forgotten about Jupiter’s catastrophic (future) event – that is, until it actually happened and humans taped the whole thing. To me this is undeniable proof that aliens exist. It also leaves me asking this question “How could have I possibly known something catastrophic was going to happen to Jupiter 4 years in advance if aliens don’t exist?”

The information in which one has to filter out needs to be based on reality and of facts. Without this sort of evidence everyone would go quite mad. So, if you have had an alien encounter try finding your own evidence based on the above mentioned examples of evidence I have found. There is some if you just look hard enough.

Is telepathy evidence that aliens exist?

  at  2:50 AM 0 comments
In my opinion not really but sort of at the same time. Allow me to explain. Telepathy is a form of mind communication from one being to another. Aliens use it more often than they verbally talk. However, when it comes to the Earth human side of telepathy (doing it) we are not good at using telepathy as a means of communication. We are not telepathic nor were our ancestors. But somewhere in the past our species was telepathic else we would not be able to speak telepathically to aliens.

Okay so aliens speak telepathically. How do we hear what they say to us? I’m guessing here so bear with me. The actual process, from what I understand from all of the telepathic conversations I’ve had with aliens, telepathic thoughts reach our minds in the form of sound (?) waves. It travels through the air from one mind to another. Or telepathy is a natural part of hearing and thinking in a species’ global consciousness. Both sound great to me but which one is correct I don’t know. After we “hear” the thoughts our “something” converts the foreign language into your native spoken language.

In theory that is correct but how is it possible for our minds (or whatever translates the languages in our head) to understand alien languages in the first place? How do we know what an alien is even saying if they are speaking in a different language other than our own? Or are they? Maybe there is only one language and we all are speaking it and our geographical location differences makes it sound different?

I’d better get to the point here …………. When a supposed alien speaks to us telepathically how do we know if it is indeed an alien talking and not our own conscious or subconscious mind chatting back to us? In most instances it will be a part of our self chatting back but on the rare occasions an alien will be talking to us. So, where is the evidence and will I ever get to the point? I’m getting to it, I promise and I’ll reveal the evidence at the end of this blog post.

The thing we need to look at first is the way we speak telepathically. Our species has barely climbed out of the cot. We are still a young species. Telepathy is new to us and we speak awkwardly with our minds. We have not perfected any telepathic techniques yet, and we are still incapable of 150% focusing upon on who we are speaking to telepathically. With that said, we can now look at the evidence. Hooray, everyone says!

When we first pick up telepathic thoughts we mistake them for our own. Yet, if you look hard enough and focus in on those thoughts you should find the thoughts are not your own. You will find they come from an external source. In this instance “external’ means from outside your own mind and body. You can, if you know how to, locate where the thoughts are coming from. You will find, in most cases, an alien staring back at you in your mind if you do go searching for the source. There will also be a solid, undeniable link between yourself and the alien. If there is none then you are not talking to an alien.

But this evidence is not substantial enough to count as evidence or proof that aliens exist. More evidence is needed with this topic. So, let’s find some! Now, let’s say, you want proof but you know you’ll never get it from the alien. What do you do? Simply ask it something that can be proven that you don’t even know exists. If you get a response, great. If not, try something like this….. Ask the alien to, for a few moments; affect you with its thoughts so you do something you would not normally do. Stipulate that it is not allowed to be something that will harm you or someone else in any way. If you are truly in contact with an alien you will get an immediate response, and you will be influenced thus proving to yourself that aliens are real.

However, the one thing I still am sure of is telepathy is not a reliable source of evidence that aliens exist. It is just not studied enough by scientists to be counted as evidence.

I could have all the knowledge in creation in my head but would anyone care less either way?

Sunday, March 7, 2010   at  12:40 AM
Throughout my life I have always spoken my own truth and guess what? No-one really cares less about my truth. In fact I might as well not even be writing all these posts or be on any kind of website. If I removed myself from all the websites I am a member of no-one would even notice that I am gone. I am a nobody and apparently I have nothing of interest to say despite the fact I believe differently. That is just the truth.

People don’t show any interest in me or of what I know. Like for example the Data Collection Center document that aliens gave me. Only one or two people have seen the video I have made of it yet barely has anyone left a comment. How on Earth can one person rise above the 6.2 plus billion people on Earth and be heard when not even a small handful of people will take me seriously or listen to what I have to say? Anything I put on the Internet rarely gets commented on by others. The only comments I have had was when I was in a negative frame of mind and wrote negative posts. Does negativity turn our world and make people tick? Where is all the love and kindness or did it go extinct like the dinosaurs? It is really hard to maintain my cheerful and happy disposition all the time and sometimes I fall into a state of depression because the truth about how people react to me rises above me and hits me like a train again. There is absolutely nothing I can do to change others I can only change myself.

It is not a wonder as to why aliens of a negative nature are among us. You don’t need to be a genius to figure that one out. Like attracts like – it’s that simple!!!!

When you have a particular alien species watching over you every moment of your life as I do, well at least since 1994, you stop asking if we are alone in this universe and start asking why they don’t talk to you as often as we talk? You ask questions like why are they hanging around and why won’t they go away? But who am I to question what they are here to do, and quite frankly I do not care either as long as they leave me alone and don’t expect me to do anything on their behalf.

Below is a list of all the alien species I have encountered, not that anyone cares less:

1985: A higher dimension species. Species unknown. Female was plain brown looking, the two males were covered in spots and stripes of pretty colours. The species looked like Mr. Potatohead.
1985: A human looking alien that came from a vortex or wormhole. Very pleasant to be around.
1986: Male human looking alien from Io and Ganymede, two of Jupiter’s moons.
1986: Male human looking alien from Titan, one of Saturn’s moons.
1990: same two male aliens from 1986 encounter plus
A male, human looking alien from Mercury
1991: 2 humanoid males, looked like a cross between an ant and a beaver. Came from a long distance away from within our galaxy. Very pleasing to look at. Not scary.
1994 to present: many males, human looking aliens. Emit blue energy (aura-like energy). They come from a solar system that, to the best of description, overlaps our own solar system but on a much higher frequency. Their planet is roughly where our moon is in space (but not the same place). Females are rare amongst their kind. These aliens are Immortal beings.
1996: a male alien, probably human looking – not entirely sure- was very stocky in size. Came from within our galaxy but a long, way away from Earth.
1997: Human looking males, origin unknown. They were invisible.
1997: unknown species of alien. My guess it was possibly the Grays from Zeta Reticuli, as I experienced 11 missing days and no memory of where I had been.
1999: Unknown males, human looking. Not the most pleasant aliens to encounter – they had a mean temper, and very telepathic in nature. They didn’t like being discovered they were aliens.
2000: The Grays from Zeta Reticuli. Have no memory of their encounter but had 3 days of missing time, and my daughter’s sudden terror/fear of large, black eyes.
2004: Unknown human looking species, one male. Obviously from a much higher frequency or dimension.
2009: Unknown Gray species, female. Not from same place as the bad Grays. Very helpful but easily hurt emotionally. Looked identical to the bad Grays but obviously not the same species or from the same place. Only wished to help me.
2009-2010: Unknown species of Grays, Orange-skinned with medium brown spots or patches of colour on their skin. Pleasant looking species of Gray. Not from around this part of our galaxy. Origin of the Data Collection Center document.

So, to date, that is 13 with one species which may have been from one of the existing 13 different alien species I have encountered personally in the last 25 years. The table has turned and instead of encountering human looking aliens it is the various species of Grays coming to me. Great, that’s all I need. NOT!!!

With all these encounters it would be nice if I knew exactly where all these aliens lived, and knew something about their species other than what they basically look like. I hate not knowing things, and being left with more questions than I have answers for. It is very frustrating for me. Above, in the list, the years which I have highlighted in “bold” are the species I believe are friendly and mean us no harm.

I’ve been telling my story about my alien encounters to lots of people over the years, and only one person in 25 years has ever wanted to know more. That just proves to me that people don’t want to really know what aliens are like, well, the ones I have encountered anyway. Have you ever wondered why people are so drawn to people who’ve had encounters with the Grays like Whitley Streiber has? I believe it is because people just like to be terrified and read about how we cope with that terror, if at all. Humans are sadistic, I reckon, because terror is not something we can cope with and people know that. We just experience it and that’s it. So, why bother reading or watching such terrifying stuff about what other people are going through? It doesn’t make sense to me. Sure, there’s always that “I might learn something from that other person’s experience” concept in the whole thing but really, what is there to learn? Learning how terrified you are going to be if you ever encounter Grays? It will teach you absolutely nothing.

I guess this blog has taken its toll on this author, writing all this stuff down. My blog contents is like going through parts of my life all over again for no obvious reason except for even more people to not be interested in what I write about. I don’t understand how other people think but I would like to know these things. I would like to know what other people think about UFOs and aliens but no-one is talking about it. Is this normal or is it just the way people want it to be like?

All I know is people make it hard for themselves because they do not open themselves up to possibilities of any of this being real. That is understandable because at times I even doubt that what I have experienced were real events. I sometimes even think that I just hallucinated it all, and it does not help matters when there is no real evidence that these experiences actually occurred. If I can’t believe it as the truth then how can others?
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